Oh good, you edited it to add on the bit about adjectives which you picked up from a self-depracating post i made about my overusing them. Well done! It almost makes your post worth reading.
Wrong... I edited it immediately after I posted it, and I haven't seen any such self-depracating (congratulations Nursey! You DO know some big words!) post, or if I saw it I didn't read it.
I have this bad habit of hitting "post" too quickly, and sometimes I choose to go back and add to my last post rather than have a little string of 2 or 3 posts. Only sometimes, though.
Come on kiddo, make up your mind... "little" or "amazonian"? "Bull" or "Yid"? You're reinforcing the female stereotypes with all these contradictions.
How about 'the littlest, amazonian bull-yid'? Or were you just trying to reinforce the stereotype that mathematicians are boring, humourless fuddy-duddys?
First off, you cud-chewing lactating adult baby nursemaid whorecow, let us get our facts straight. I am sick and tired of being maligned like that, and you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about: I am not now, nor have I ever claimed to be, a mathematician. Secondly, nice photoshopping.
Some days Grim actually comes up with a funny. Today, sadly, is not one of those days. Just kidding, mad props, Kahn!!
Not only has she pointed out that i'm an illiterate/retarded, Homer Simpson-esque, redneck, but now she's brought my fullsome, udder-like mammaries under the glaring spotlight too! If the snakey eyed bull-yid mentions my obese index, i'll probably just have to end it all. So? You're the closest thing we have to one at fugly, so shut up and do some sums, hore.