That's right almost time or is it time for your big fishing trip? But even so I know you aren’t fishing for a month or so.
Evidently Bear Bryant hacked my account and changed my password and email address. I have been so busy I really don't care. I am on a fugly patch trying to break the addiction. Ya'll carry on without me for a while. Fishing trip mid November. We need some new blood. Care to go? $630 covers the two day trip.
SHE The operative word that explains everything. Bear was a student at the Sports Academy. High IQ and low morals. I have a feeling she is busy disemboweling a gator somewhere.
Actually $630 for two days sounds like a good deal if you like fish. I'm just over extended already what with so much comming up. Christmas, Thanksgiving, travel.
Lets see what the count down is to now.... 8 years , 3 months, 14 days, The world will become extinct. We will no sooner be able to live on earth than we can live on Mars.
Barry's recent odd, shifty behaviour and Big Bertha's sudden, inexplicable departure from the forum leads me to suspect she finally figured out that the 'nice, friendly older gentleman' from the office next door who was so gracious as to offer free use of his photo copier...was really just like 'all the others'. But only after an ugly incident one night in Barry's office which even the trashy, inflateable, bouncy fuck-castle found profoundly disturbing. Not least because he was the first man who had succeeded in winning her trust after a life time of being jizzed, spat and crapped on by every sexually active male since her whorish, fat titties ballooned overnight at around the age of 13.
P.S barry is really in there and everyone else that I could think of is in there somewhere too.. :biggrin: go find!
you ever think you may be the bull ring in the pussy? Cause you been running in circles with this topic for a week.
Yes I'm just so very dull. Can I take lessons from you? I want to post pointless conspiracy theories as if they were fact & then belittle anyone who doesn't agree with me. That would splidifrece.