Guys (or girls, now that I think about it) - Ever been with a "Squirter?"

Discussion in 'Dating and Relationships' started by Lomotil, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I shouldn't acknowledge this but... hickeys? The woman is middle aged... hell, past middle age.

    She sounds like this skanky old bitch I used to work with that wore clothes that were too small and too young for her and talked about her sex life all of the time.

    It's been my experience that people who talk about it all of the time aren't really getting any...
  2. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Quit talking about my Mom that way, jealous bitch!
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    She did have two boys...
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    She does not fit that description at all... And the hickeys weren't exactly in plain view while wearing clothes. That part's calmed down rather quickly, but occasionally we might request one for the hell of it.
  5. Fat-N-Sassy

    Fat-N-Sassy New Member

    oh sht i can squit one ike a damn 15 year old boy. tommeha dn I have cuntests to see who can spit their load further. i have to give my boy props... he can spit it far enough to look like and eagle shit on the tele.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    What. The. Fuck.

    Excuse me, "Fat-N-Sassy" - I don't believe we've met.

    Could you please speak English when you type your next post?

    As far as I can surmise, you're comparing your ?female? ejaculation with a ?male? ejaculation??? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to hear input on the matter, but I'll be honest:

    I don't understand a fucking thing you posted.

    Thank you.
  7. Fat-N-Sassy

    Fat-N-Sassy New Member

    I am enbglish and tiped perrfectefly good enrlish to you. you juts dont get it. I think you mist have got a little suffocatey and perfaps drowndead a little in that ejactulate, blacked out and suffred brain damage.
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    OK. That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.
  9. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    Holy shit, i am drunk and that made no fucking sense at all.
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Geez... you retards.

    I am English and typed perfectly good English to you. You just don't get it. I think you must have got a little suffocated and perhaps drowned a little in that ejaculate, blacked out and suffered brain damage.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Pewki gurl yar mighty seexy wheen ur Sasssy
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You might be creepier than Barry...
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    It's even worse if you think of Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie when you read it.
  14. General Panic

    General Panic New Member

    Strange, strange, strange, so little knowledge. Have a first look here
    and then start reading scholarly literature about it.

    Females can squirt, too, and roughly one third of the sexually active female population experiences it in various degrees. The big gushers are rare but they do exist and what they do is highly visible.

    We have learnt this back then at highschool, biology lessons.

    And yes, Nauseous, sex by itself is "unhygienic" as it is human. Believe it or not, males lap body fluids out of females holes and like it. If you dislike the bed being soaked, cover the bed with molton or latex sheets. That's how adults do it.
  15. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    Huh, interesting thread. I'm a "squirter" (I'm sure Nursey will have a field day with that bit of trivia) and I can say very definitively that it's a completely different sensation from urination. the fluid does not come from the bladder. I've peed before sex, ejaculated, and peed again after sex.

    The fluid is clear and kind of slippery, not like urine, which has no noticeable viscosity. The absence of urea is quite marked, as there is no odor in bedding that is soaked and then left to wash later... if there was urea it would develop an unpleasant odor within hours as the urea broke down.

    It only happens with certain angles/depths of penetration. It didn't start happening until I was 30, probably due in part to lack of the right type of stimulation. It's more likely to happen with digital rather than penile stimulation. And it surprised the hell out of me the first time it happened. I was like "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?"

    I do have several friends who are doctors and one who is an MPH with a focus on sexual health, and when I mentioned this to them they were completely unsurprised. I guess it's pretty well-known in the medical field, although what they don't know is what function the ejaculate fluid serves, if any.
  16. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Coats. Soothes. Relieves.

    But is this a little squirt or do you have the sort of firehose ejaculation famous in sleazy porn?
  17. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member


    It is a series of soft little squirts that happen in concert with orgasmic contractions... not like the hosing that happens in porn (which totally does look like pee!), but depending on the level of arousal/stimulation/duration, it can make a wet spot anywhere from four inches to two feet in diameter on my bedding. The two feet is what happens during a marathon session... it's the cumulative effect of hours of intermittent orgasms, not just one.
  18. General Panic

    General Panic New Member

    Those cascades shown in porn movies are mostly fake as there are little water-filled balloons inserted before.

    But there can be mighty gushes. I used to have a girlfriend who, while performing a 69er including my hands, came all over my face and hair. I looked like I just had taken a shower. It did not burn in my eyes, by the way.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Vindicated at last. I'm sure Lomo feels the same way. I have been in the defensive position on that subject before in different circles and since only few women experience it to a noticeable extent there is usually an abundance of females willing to chime in that it a fable. It does not help that yes there are websites out there obviously fake.

    Just to step out on a limb though I have a theory two women that I have been with that have a more pronounced ejaculation both had a pronounced clit not gigantic but visible even in a relaxed state. Both could have the big "O" and not come however when they did come it was the prolonged orgasm more easily recreated with them on top. At which time the fluid is obviously clear and sweet running down the channel between my abs and chest and into the crevice of my neck where my adams apple is. You can see it pooled up in your belly button while laying on your back.

    So my question to Lola is do you think it may be easier for a woman with a more pronounced clit?

    Weather they admit it or not there are thousands of guys at their computers on the internet hanging there awaiting your reply.
  20. General Panic

    General Panic New Member

    Uh-oh... I think you have overstraind Ms. Bluelola with those "thousands of guys at their computers on the internet" and now she's chickening out, Joeslogic.


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