One has-been knocks another's teeth out (sort of). What do you think? Did Fairplay have it coming? It didn't seem that Danny attacked anyone, Jonny provoked him and just landed wrong.
I watched the first season of Breaking Bonaduce. He seemed really self centered, and childlike... but that other guy sucks ass, so I think it's funny. Danny looked tanked... that guy was asking for it. He shouldn't have been trying to be cutesy with him.
He jumped on him and started humping him. I'd have tossed the fag myself. I don't watch much reality TV so I don't know this guy's backstory. Bonaduce is a trainwreck but I don't blame him for this incident. He probably thought (if he thought at all) that the guy would catch himself - humbled, embarassed, but with all his chiclets.
Danny is smart and wording himself wisely. I don't think he cared if he hurt him or not. And it did look like (to me) the guy was hugging him, not humping him. You should see the interview with this other douchebag. He really needs to wash his fucking hands and take off his hospital bracelet. Dork.
Review the vid. The guy's bouncing his legs after he jumped on him like he's humping him. Bonadouche wouldn't stand still for that.
I was talking about you joe, relating to bonaduce. He was a kid star and you were in kiddie porn...... :frown: I'll slow em down next time......
Now Phat whatever it was you saw was not me I can assure you that. What are you watching kiddie porn for anyway?
Damnit joe, you just aint getting it, it was a joke. J-O-K-E. I didnt watch it, I just saw it on the news. Donny he cracks me up reminds me of my friend Guy. Guy is no longer with us died in 2005 I just found out reciently.
Did you ever watch "Breaking Bonaduce"? He was a real dick to his wife sometimes. I don't know how she deals with it. She seems like a pretty nice person. Oh, guess she didn't want to deal with it anymore. She filed for divorce. Go Gretchen!
You know when you are all 'gurl power' and all you sure are sexy, I wanna bobby brown you (stick my finger up your ass and pull out one of those can o' corn sized turds that is).
He has issues but then again don't we all? This video impressed me I said he was like my friend guy. Guy was all cocky acting but it was a facade he would not hurt anyone. I on the other hand was the one... NM. Here Danny has the same logic as I do.