I wonder if anyone eats strange junk like I do. I had Oatmeal Crisp w/raisins and a banana for breakfast (normal). Baked beans and green beans and saltine crackers with ranch dressing with a glass of orange juice for lunch (no wonder my stomach is fucked up). I'll probably have tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner.
granola bar diet cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper, sugar free monster energy drink 2 cups coffee bottle of water cheeseburger, fries diet coke Vault Not sure about dinner though.
Breakfast - Half a leftover enchilada and a cookie Lunch - Ham sandwich with po'chips Post lunch - cinnamon bun with coffee Dinner - ear wax and a booger
Didnt eat breakfast, usually cerial though had tomato pasta for lunch having chicken tikka masala shortly.
Isnt that the same thing you have every day? Is that like Indian/Italian? I like chicken vendalu(however you spell it), but it has to be cold outside for me to want to eat Indian food.
Well I will try and reply again since mine didn't take the first time. Breakfast: A bottle of Corona in the shower. Lunch: Spicy Chicken Sandwich from Wendy's Dinner: Chef Boyardee Box of Tangy Spaghetti with Italian Sausage. My wife is going to be a spa party so this is one of my things I like to eat alone cause she hates it. Wash it down with a 40 of Mickey's.
Its Indian yes, in the Curry area, vindaloos are one of the extra hot verieties. I love biryani, its like an Indian fried rice of sorts, spicy flavoured rice with big chunks of meat in and a vegetable curry side dish.
Correction: I was just imformed that I'll be picking up catfish, hush puppies, and fries. Seems the wife ins't cooking (again).
I had a veggie burger instead of tomato soup for dinner and a frosted blueberry pop tart for dessert.
Let's see... No breakfast (never eat it), Late lunch at Church's Chicken (4 pc. spicy tenders, fries, and a Dr. Pepper), About a gallon of beer (Hurricane 8.1%, and some filler @ 4-5%), A pork chop, small portion of mac and cheese, and half a bag of bagel crisps (dipped in butter) - I swear, those things have gone down in quality since they ceased to be 'Burns & Ricker' and started being 'New York Style'... Right now, I'm downing a few more 12 oz beers, and watching the Family Guy Star Wars episode. I'll be sure to chase today's dismal nutritional entourage down with a multivitamin, and an extra Zinc supplement. (Don't ask)
Breakfast oatmeal and a starfruit, two chewable fiber tablets lunch i went to my only fast food place, Moe's for a homewrecker with steak, no beans, and a bottled water with crystal lite, with a glucaphage pill Dinner I made Shrimp etufette (sp?), I can't find any crawfish inexpensively here, and there is no way in fuck I am pay $12 a pound for frozen crawfish. Oh with brown rice, and toasted baguette then for late night snack Bong hits, followed by leftover Shrimp etufette
I want to know which of us ate the healthiest things, we need to try and figure out a number value based on junk/health value, maybe a rough calorie count. medications not included.
damn, thats a reason to enlist. Do you get 50% on beer? Here, a Heiniken is $2.25, if you get a fiddy pre-cent discount, thats cheaper than buying them at the store.
I had Oatmeal raisin crisp again for breakfast and just baked beans for lunch. I haven't had anything to drink all day.
I didn't feel like going out so I grabbed an MRE from my car. Mmmmm, beef enchilada with a 5-year shelf life.
I assumed it was the whole ticket but the times I've been there in uniform, I've been unable to imbibe other than non-alcoholic beverages.