Would you wish you had a huge clit? Because I've been looking up pictures and videos of girls with big clits lately, and now i have clit envy. I mean, some of them are huge! I don't know if it really makes any difference in sexual function, but I think I'd play with it more if it was ginourmous. What do you guys think? Are huge clits sexy? gross? whatever?
Its probably because you havent found anyone yet who can accurately find it, come see me sometime You woulnd't want one anyway.
Large clits are due to masculinization from abnormalities in adrenal hormone secretion. They are in fact masculinized sex organs.
That only applies to abnormally overdeveloped clits; there are also plenty at the large end of the normal range.
Not everyone is disgusted by sex and sex organs, Ms. Bodybag. Sex is nice, and so are clits. It seems like a big one might be fun to play with.
Sex and sex organs don't disgust me when it/they represent beauty, which your aggressively spread-pussy personality and monster clit fantasy do not, personally, inspire in me. And my fleshy buttons are all in perfect working order, so why would i want to 'supersize' that? But each to their own, so please, return to thumbing your spongy, fat 'mall loafer' MEGACLIT for us all here tonight in the forum. You go girl!
I would totally love to have a penis, as long as it was temporary. Come on... what wouldn't be fun as hell about having the the body and genitalia of the opposite sex for a night or two? But not permanently, ugh. But that's different from wondering what it would be like to have a bigger clit. A clit is fundamentally female. It's more like wondering what it would be like to have huge tits.
Your evident BSDM fetish doesn't represent anything but self-loathing to me, but hey, to each her own.
"hahaha, she said "self-loathing" in the context of Nursey's BSDM fetish, that means she hates herself!" Go for something with a little more challenge. A little more zip.