Jenna Six

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Building up to the next election you will see a lot of chaos and mayhem all of which the proposed solution will be to make a change by electing more Democrats.

    I never watch TV anymore but my wife told me all these sordid details that she had got from conversations at work. I went through her details and explained my suspicions. Basically it was to much to be completely true.

    Her story a cute little black kid straight-A student asked his principal if he could sit under the "White Tree" and the principal said he could sit anywhere he wanted. Then there were three hangman ropes on the tree the next day. He got beat up. Then a white kid got beaten. Then a young adult pulled a shotgun on some black kids the black kids took the gun and gave it to the police and were charged with theft as well as possession of a stolen firearm.

    Six black kids then roughed up a white kid and were then charged and put in jail.

    There are MANY inconsistencies with the rumor she is hearing.

    The shotgun incident was a 20 year old store clerk in one version I herd and unloaded. If that’s true then yeah the charge should stick.

    The white kid was 14 and was beat the hell out of actually knocked unconscious.

    One section of the school was burned down by the blacks.

    So the judge was very stern with his judgment due to the seriousness of the incident.

    The kids involved in the noose incident were suspended. (her story was that the kids got off free)

    Here is a link to various details. They will make a movie on this ten years from now.

    I'm not taking sides so much as pointing out how I have always said the black people tend to play the role of "Uncle Tom" to the party they are enslaved under i.e. the Democratic party. Like good little puppets they are told to put their angry face on and go vote for a Democrat. The strings of hatred, fear, and discontent are the tools of the puppet masters like Sharpton and Jackson.

    I have no hatred or animosity against the African Americans I have friends that I care about that are African Americans. I hate it so see them manipulated and say what I think as an advocate for them and suffer hardships for doing so. It is my wish that they were simply Americans. But ask yourself a question.

    Who benefits when the country is whipped into a frenzy of racial, and class division?

    Find your motive and then you will see the culprit.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I saw a portion of this on the news the other day, of course it was only one side of the story, and I was suprised when the anchor said, "This is quite disturbing, but I will wait till all the information comes out before jumping to conclusions" I was amazed. Of course at that time it was 'the noose, the shotgun' no mention of anyone getting beat unconcious by a gang, oh I mean group of people, or clan, so to speak. It just comes off like a big race issue, but it probably will boil down to something stupid that spiraled out of control cause someone wasnt man(or woman) enough to admit they screwed up.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    No one is in the right here. The whites nor the blacks. But the fact still remains 6 young large black men, Beat a 14 year old white boy.

    I don't care what led up to it. But assault is a crime. Black people need to get over it. They also need to stop calling Sharpton every time something goes wrong. Sharpton asked why the white kids were not charged with a hate crime for the rope.

    Why weren't the black boy charged with a hate crime for beating a white child. Fair is fair after all...

    I really thought about driving down to Jena La. But I couldn't get off work. I'm sick and tired of the double standard.

    Black need to learn they can't beat people for their stupidity. Plus they just kept escalating the events that led to the beating. I would throw the book at them too.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    if you had some good old fences then you'd solve all of these black-on-white white-on-black tit for tat violence/hatecrime..

    bring back segregation eh?.. but do it properly this time
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I think the point was more than just segregate, I understand how you could think that, seeing as the UK has never been biased towards a people, oh wait, Im Irish, so who the fuck am I kidding? Dont even mention the fucking crusades, it's always the pretensious assholes who have never done fucking wrong, cause no one gives a shit, that comes around talking shit about something they got no fucking clue about.

    The funny thing is, these schools, and what ever else, self segregate. People hang out with there on kind, it's not a matter of racism. What grim was trying to say was that the black folks wanted the white kids who hung the noose to be treated like the ones that beat unconcious another kid. The noose was wrong, beating a 14 year old senseless is not wrong, it's a fucking crime.

    OOOhhhh they hung a noose in a tree, Im so fucking offended.....ooooohhhh.....Im going to go beat some white kid up cause my feelings are hurt. Maybe the white parents should call in david duke to get them a defense going. I agree its all fucking retarded, and I am glad this didnt happen in the south (texas is a whole different place).

    I am guessing that the 'african british' are not as 'ignant' as the majority of the ones we have here. Not that everyone is that way, but I would estimate probably 80% are the 'gangsta' type that would tell a cop, "Oh you dont tell me what to do, you aint my daddy".

    I think the 'reperation' mentality has gone from wanting equal treatment to wanting preferential treatment.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sorry Phat. Louisiana is where it happened. But as we both know thats not South either. They got their own thing going on there.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    No, joe, I am sorry.

    I have been pulling a benoit, I guess I let my big ass head get ahead of itself..... :) the show I saw I could have sworn it was tx. Oh well. I guess I will go back to 'mayem' and let it ride.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    They had a quick bit on the 11PM news about this last night, apparently a bus of 50 'supporters' were heading to jena to show support. Uh, ok. I wonder if these are the same kind of supporter martha burke had when she paid people to come down to her 'rally' across from the Augusta National? There were more 'protest' protesters than actual protesters. They were all dressed up too. One guy was wearing a tux and holding a sign that said 'formal protest' hilarious stuff. The bus rolled in, everyone got out, they handed them their premade signs, she got there talked for 5 minutes and then left. The bus loaded back up and they were gone. It was awesome.

    I did see that one of the Jena 6 was still in jail, apparently he had a prior record....but they say he should be released, I guess assault isnt that bad.

    I hope all the information about this comes out. I want to know all the details, not just the ones at the end.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The system is broke and it cannot be fixed the people who break the system are rewarded with more money and responsibility. If the system is fixed they are out of a job. I'm speaking of the people who profit from exploiting a broken system. It's up to the reader to figure out who that is.
  11. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

  12. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Not to sound like a stick in the mud, but you could have put 'not work friendly' on that one, you know just as a heads up and what not...... Dick. :)
  13. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Sorry I never think about it. I got a straight pipe at work and off the network radar.
  14. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Corporate wont let me do that, but after the stuff I find on the network I dont think their firewall/web filter is working to good. I just need to set up my verizon stuff and then not even log into the network.... :) it's probably faster than the single T-1 we have going out anyway....
  15. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Well looks like Sharpton is going to get his way. The boy is having a hearing today to see if they will let him go.

    It is now ok for blacks to kick the shit out of white people.
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And the history books will record this as another example of hate crimes against blacks.

    I thought it was pretty hateful for five guys got get someone down and kick them unconscious in the face. But what do I know.
  17. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I thought this thread was going to be about a movie, about blonde porn star clones taking over the planet.

    Boy was I dissapointed.
  18. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Yea, I like money, you want to go to the time machine? Why? Water? You mean that stuff from the toilet?
  19. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You like Money too. I like Money also. We have so much in commen
  20. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    The crappy thing about this whole episode, amongst thousands of other things, is that the 'minority' opinion is going to get a habitual offender freed from jail, and make a psuedo martyr out of him. He'll probably be on Oprah talking of his oppression and how he robbed and beat people to feed his parentless siblings, cause getting a job was 'bullshit'........

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