There's no need for me to imply that you are some sort of neanderthal you manage that all by yourself with your constant rambling.I'm yet to read anything that you have written which couldn't have been formed by a backward ape bashing away on a typewriter. If you think by saying i type like Nursey or even "stolen" somethng she has written would bother me you were wrong because i find that a compliment.So thanks for comparing me darling. And spit would become sticky after many hours of it being continuously dribbled and podgy little fingers bashing away at the surface it is on.So maybe you spitting on your cock and shoving it up your boyfriend arse works as a lubricant for a while but if you had any staying power after a few mins you'd find you'd need to keep reapplying it.
What the hell, nothing else to do.... 1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller? Nobody. There are some spammers that I wouldnt mind, but no true members.... 2.How old was you when you lost your virginity? ( just random questions) 13 Spring Break 7th grade. 3.Best job you ever had? I was retired once, that was the best. 4.Favourite fruit or veg? Strawberry and Silver Queen Corn 5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with? Reiz 6.Worst film ever watched? Life and Times of Steve Sizuou(something like that) There might be a worse one, but I cant think of it right now. 7.Most unusual place you've had sex?( i know sex will prob come up again) Skating Rink parking lot. 8.Best thing you have ever won? ( if anything) When I was 7 I won a frisbee throwing contest (best indiviual effort, didnt count team sports). 9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did? Ferine 10.Happiest memory I got a bunch so picking one would be hard and I cant be thinking hard at work. 11. Nicest part of your body I guess it depends on what your in to. 12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop? It was so quick I cant really remember. 13. Cat or dog person? Used to be a die hard dog person, till the pomeranian, now I like the cats much better. 14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires? Of course.
I never said i DIDN'T read anything you wrote i said " I'm yet to read anything that you have written which couldn't have been formed by a backward ape bashing away on a typewriter" i actually read everything you's just bollox.
At least people are answering rather than being a turd.If you don't want to answer the questions don't, you don't have to be a complete arse about it.
Bizarre. First this extremely uncharacteristically high minded (sounding, at least) post: And then irony of ironies.... "Stealing a page from Nursey books since it seems to work so well for her", Moskao?
What's wrong dear heart? Is the Interweb not flowing like the Kaleidoscope of seizure inducing neon you would find on the Vegas Strip? Have you stepped through the looking glass my dear dear Alice.... Have you followed the Rabbit down the hole only to find everything upside down. Always remember things in the mirror are not always as they appear, sometimes people only allow you to see what they want.
OK 1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller? Cheesedog. I have little sympathy for serial killers. 2.How old was you when you lost your virginity? Way too young. 3.Best job you ever had? The one I have now. Lots of fun. 4.Favourite fruit or veg? Tangerines and Turnip Greens 5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with? She knows. 6.Worst film ever watched? Blazing Saddles 7.Most unusual place you've had sex? in my dreams 8.Best thing you have ever won? Bicycle Riding Contest when I was 12. 9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did? Improtected. She was better than this place. 10. Happiest memory - Catching fish with my dad. 11. Nicest part of your body - my brain 12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop? neither 13. Cat or dog person? Cats are useless. 14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires? Occasionally.
Well, well, well. Toady voodoo abounds throughout the forum, and it would appear that Moskao the Wonderdog is bewitched! Alas, magic potions wear off, so he'll be back to semi-intelligible grunts and biting his own ear again, before long. Well that would require me to have turned into a mongoldog, so no.
Fine I will play. 1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller? Checkmate He just seems like the type that would come to your house drink your beer fuck your wife and steal your dog. 2.How old was you when you lost your virginity? 14 3.Best job you ever had? The one I have now 4.Favourite fruit or veg? Nectarines & Broccoli 5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with? Nursey & Headee do you even have to ask... 6.Worst film ever watched? Ishtar 7.Most unusual place you've had sex? Church Pulpit and Baptismal with preachers daughter the night before Sunday services. 8.Best thing you have ever won? I have hit a few big tickets at the track for a couple grand. 9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did? headee she made me laugh 10.Happiest memory When I was 7 & I got lost and found this empty house in the woods. No one was around for miles and I use to play at the house by myself it was so peaceful. 11. Nicest part of your body My feet 12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop? It was OK for being drunk 13. Cat or dog person? Dogs are the greatest thing in the world 14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires? I guess.
1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller? dwaine, not cause i hate him or want to see him hurt or anything, but it would be funny to see the steam roller ATTEMPT to flatten him and fail. 2.How old were you when you lost your virginity? 18 3.Best job you ever had? The one I have now 4.Favourite fruit and veg? apples and onions 5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with? dwaine. do i have to explain that? 6.Worst film ever watched? napoleon dynamite sucked balls. if you think it's funny, you need to die. 7.Most unusual place you've had sex? um, that would be in the bed, beside my sleeping husband. i had sex with his step brother. i know, how very jerry springer of me. 8.Best thing you have ever won? like $500 playing slots. my luck sucks. 9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did? duh, my lover boy spoooooon. but i guess it's a good thing he stopped posting, or else he would have charmed me into going to meet him for real and broke open my skull in the name of science or some shit. and sent dwaine pics. 10.Happiest memory? man i'm drunk, too many to name right now. 11. Nicest part of your body? definitely my breasts. true story. 12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop? wow, i haven't thought about it in a long ass time, but i remember it hurt pretty bad. it stung. that's descriptive enough. 13. Cat or dog person? i used to love cats, but now that i have my beagle, i am definitely a dog person. 14. Do you enjoy pointless questionnaires? duh, why else would i have a myspace account? i admit i have no idea what this thread is about at all--i just did a search for my name and saw the post where grim was all *dickinhand* for me and decided to re-post. good night!