Pointless questions

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by unlimited-time, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    but something to fill the time if you are a bored as i am.

    1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller?
    2.How old was you when you lost your virginity? ( just random questions)
    3.Best job you ever had?
    4.Favourite fruit or veg?
    5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with?
    6.Worst film ever watched?
    7.Most unusual place you've had sex?( i know sex will prob come up again)
    8.Best thing you have ever won? ( if anything)
    9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did?
    10.Happiest memory
    11. Nicest part of your body
    12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop?
    13. Cat or dog person?
    14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires?
  2. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Save this shit for myspace
  3. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Guess i better answer

    1. Defiantly ucicare..love to see how big a mess he would make.
    2. 14
    3. telephone cold caller..piss easy and got payed to chat for hours.
    4. Nectarine
    5. It would have to be Dubya, only normal one out of you all.( the ones i know that is)
    6. Closer with Julia Roberts what a load of old shit
    7. Church steps
    8. Not won much but i won £30 on a scratch card once
    9. Kitana only coz she annoyed the fuck out of Dwaine and i found it hilarious.
    10. Don't vomit but it's when i first met my husband in the pub, he was fuckin sexy.
    11. My lips
    12. Total crap, fuckin hurt and took him ages to get it in
    13. Cat
    14. Don't mind them as long as they aren't being asked in the street by some old cunt with a clip board
  4. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Wouldn't be seen dead on my space you cunt, maybe you should go spend your time over there if you like it so much.
  5. Bear Bryant

    Bear Bryant Guest

    No MosKau! THis IS good Stuff!

    1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller?
    Dwaine - just to see how much ground he would cover.

    2.How old was you when you lost your virginity?
    Orally? 13 Vaginally? 19 Anally? Maybe this weekend.

    3.Best job you ever had?
    Night shift at a security company.

    4.Favourite fruit or veg?
    Fruit - Peaches Veg - Cucumbers :biggrin:

    5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with?
    No Doubt - Nursey. Just to see if Barry is right about her having a dick.

    6.Worst film ever watched?
    Any porn flick. I hate them.

    7.Most unusual place you've had sex?
    Between my tits.

    8.Best thing you have ever won?
    A judgment against my ex boyfriend for keying my car.

    9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did?
    Improtected. I was hoping for a massage.

    10.Happiest memory.
    My first orgasm.

    11. Nicest part of your body.
    I have nice calves.

    12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop?
    Too drunk to judge.

    13. Cat or dog person?
    Stereotypical cat person.

    14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires?
    Only when I should be working.
  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    OH RLY! Well for someone who doesn't spend time there you got the Bulletins down pat.
  7. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    What the fuck are you talking about you arse eating retard,go count your pubic hair and come post again when you can count 100.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well then, it's fortunate that i'd only be able to muster a 'limpy' if i was forced at gun point to make the 'two-backed beast' with you.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    ;) Give me a call. I might be avaialble.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    OK I'll do that when you make a post that isn't gay
  11. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I'm guessing you're tired because that reply was shit. B- must try harder..cunt.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    No I was dumbing down my posts so your Vally girl ass could understand.
  13. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    come come now, lets not bicker amongst ourselves. Lets all put away or squabbles, and realize who the real enemy is, that dyke bear bryant.
  14. Bear Bryant

    Bear Bryant Guest

    Smell me Dwaine.
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you have no idea how fucking nauseous that just made me.
  16. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You know a woman with the nickname Bear Bryant Does make me picture a nice Bowl cut Arm Cut Flannel shirts and lots of butch box eating.
  17. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    1.Who on fugly would you like see get run over with a steam roller?
    Bear Bryant - too see if he bleeds crimson

    2.How old was you when you lost your virginity?
    I'll let you know.

    3.Best job you ever had?

    4.Favourite fruit or veg?
    Terry Schiavo

    5.Which fugly member if you had to would you reproduce with?
    Nauseous. (At some point, I'd have to tell her about my vasectomy, though)

    6.Worst film ever watched?

    7.Most unusual place you've had sex?
    Between Bear's tits.

    8.Best thing you have ever won?
    My wife's heart *sniff*.
    And her panties *double sniff sniff*

    9.Out of all the fuglies who no longer post who do you wish still did?

    10.Happiest memory.
    My last orgasm.

    11. Nicest part of your body.

    12. Was the first time you had sex as good as you thought it was gonna be or a total flop?
    Just glad to be there.

    13. Cat or dog person?
    If it shits outside, it's ok.

    14. Do you enjoy pointless questionaires?
    Why not? I have no life.
  18. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    No need sweetie any drivel you can type i can understand just don't forget to wipe the spittle of your keyboard when you finish posting or it'll start getting sticky.
  19. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I realised quite early on in my return that Bear was the common enemy but it's always fun to banter with someone else.
  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Now lets analyze this truly asinine statement before us. You want us to concede in some small manner that I'm a knuckle dragging troglodyte, Stealing a page from Nursey books since it seems to work so well for her. You thought maybe just maybe it might work for you. You failed at one point. If I was hovering and drooling all over said keyboard, The keys would never become sticky from Saliva my dear dear silly tard. As anyone who has been stuck with out lube will tell ya. Spit on it and it will slide right in.

    Now why don't you run along back to myspace now, and post something up about oh I don't know if I were a tree what kind would I be.

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