I have a new game...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Fugly, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Blame Pimp who was being an obnoxious prick in an adjacent IM box and nagging me to post it while i was going over it putting the finishing touches to it and tidying up the errors, which it is still riddled with. There are lots more nice things i should have said too. Like UT being a 'totally sound bord' and Cheezedawg being a superstar.
  2. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Revere me forever and all is forgiven.
  3. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    There are a few on here who i still know and love to pieces, made me feel welcome like no other bunch of fruitcakes could.But i think the biggest influence to my fugly persona is Nursey.
    Nursey is the queen bitch..no one can out do her.I'm yet to see anyone get the better of her, she is totaly relentless and wont stop untill the other person is either a gibbering wreck, kissing her arse or never posting here again.I pucker up everytime.
    I have to mention Pycho Bob coz i loved him to pieces, he made me laugh so much over webcam and was always there to make me smile if i was feeling shit.
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Nursey: Oh let's see. She has a radical manipulation of the English language, and knows well the wielding of a willy word. She can twist and perdipulate the prostate of a letters yield as it throws a right cross into the face or a poor black man ressperating a vugarity towards their would be masstas. As she perpdickulates a bowl movment of a punktions too a perfect statment.

    Sorry I was channeling Don King for a second.....
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2007
  5. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Stop fucking eating cameras then!

    And anyway.. Oi! Fugly/jefe why did you remove my post in this thread exactly?? Are you nuts.. wait you are.. why did you do it?

    I said:

    Thats a nice thing if you didnt know.

    Ps now I have this message saved in a text file and will be putting it back every time you delete it, through my web page autoposter that I just made.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2007
  6. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    Ok ignore ^ that post ^.. I made a mistake sorry
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *small tear appears from behind super cool aviators*

    Come on, then. But i don't want any lipstick on my leather jodhpurs.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Shit. I forgot to say something nice about Robman97 and he's in the forum just now...probably reading through my list right now, perhaps at 'P' getting really excited about getting to his name...
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2007
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I fucking hate to do this kind of thing, but let's begin...

    Pimp - I think it was your sorry ass that prompted me to join this drab-colored forum in the first place, after my participation in the ill-fated 'FreakFarm' forums (which, of course, gave rise to the more popular "T-Shirt Hell" website, and I'm sure Aaron doesn't regret making the switch).

    Dwayne - The fucking backbone of this whole Goddamn forum. The pioneer of Fugly Radio (of which I never got a chance to enjoy, due to my Internet deficiency at the time). He's a pillar of strength in the online community, and a damn fine person to have on your side.

    Nauseous - My *ex* 'Internet Girlfriend.' I've talked to her on the phone more than anyone else on here. She knows my likes, dislikes, pet peeves, and more. She's a great person to talk to, and has a real heart for animals. This gives her priority status in my book, and if she'd ever foot the bill to fly her ass down here, I'd be sure to give her a proper crash-course study guide for fornication 101.

    Disorder - Ed's a pretty cool mofo. He makes his own electronica music, and does some razzle-dazzle pictures on the computer (one of which graced my desktop for about a month). I haven't talked to him lately, except for the odd private message, but I appreciate the special 1680 x 1050 wallpaper he sent me a while back.

    Checkmate - You're a great fucking guy. Your credentials and your concerns for others speak volumes of your character. I'd love to someday meet you and sip a cocktail on some African beach while we banter about what's wrong with the world...

    Emetic - Where the fuck are you?

    Cheesedawg - A great guy. Gravely missed in the forums, but not without leaving an impression. I rather enjoyed meeting him in person, riding in his rig to the franchise Mexican restaurant that was open late, and watching him order "Two pink tacos - with no cheese"... The guy had no idea what he was asking for, and it made it that much more humorous... We got our food, eventually, and how many wads of snot we engulfed is still a mystery.

    Rat - Thanks for posting your ass. Enjoyed talking to you on the phone several times, but the main thing that 'sticks out' with me is wanting to poke you in that great ass of yours. Eloquent way of posting it, too... Wearing a Fugly shirt, sitting on the toilet, face buried in your arms like a good little girl... Makes it all the more inviting. Did I mention that you're a great conversationalist, on top of a fictional ass to jerk off to?

    Nursey - You're a very passionate person - and I don't mean that in a lustful, or sexual way (as I don't know you in that way, I'm sure a certain other person on this forum might have more to say on the matter), but suffice it to say, you've proven yourself to be very passionate about your beliefs, and are quick to 'show others the way', so to speak. And, by the way, as long as we're talking about lust and passion, I'd love to tear that nurse outfit off'a ya sometime... (No offense, Pimp - geographical limitations are my crutch...) ;)

    Kitana - Thanks for not posting any more. Or dying. Or committing suicide. Or whatever the fuck it was that stopped us from reading your insane drivel. Rust in peace.

    Dan - I'll fuck with you, but you've shown me enough to make me think that you either *are* a gender-confused doctor (or doctor in training), or spend enough time on WebMD to qualify you as a mod on their forum. You know your cephalaxin from your Valtrex, so either you're educated or experienced...

    Barry - from all I can tell, you seem like one of the 'good ol' boys' - why are you here? Honestly, though, I'd like to have you on my next Yellowtail excursion. We'll even save a dozen ballyhoo for ya... Hell, now that they've opened Cuba up for Ocean-faring tourists, maybe we can even bring back some cigars...

    IHN - You were fun to fuck with for a while, and then you disappeared. Hope you find your way out of the Llama's asshole long enough to check back with us.

    Tommy - Thank the fuck you haven't been around lately.

    UT - Much like Emetic, where the fuck are you?

    Chester - You're like... well, you're like... um... you. ;)

    MAJ Havok - Everytime I see your name, I think of a Marvel Comics character... Sorry your 'compliment' isn't more than that, but fuck - that's the first thing that comes to mind when I see your name.

    Reiz - You're into gaming and all, and seem pretty easy on the eyes. Wanna come over and play with my Wii?

    FredVegas - Long fucking time, no see! Glad to have ya back!

    Ulfur Engil - Your Bar Mitzvah was a fabulous bash. Oy Vey!

    *******If I've forgotten to mention you, it's either because you aren't important, or I'm was just too fucking drunk when I typed all this shit. It's nothing personal... or, maybe it is. Who knows. I'll probably append this post at some future date, depending on who complains (or slaps me in the face for not mentioning them)

    Fuck it.... I'm drunk.
  10. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Of all people, Lomo, I thought you'd know what Major Havoc was.

  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I only just spotted this. I...i'm honoured!
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    That's why it sounded so damn familiar!

    I think the only vector game I've ever played is Asteroids, unfortunately... Sadly, the X-Y monitors used in those games are either very expensive to repair or impossible to find parts for (or both).

    I still want to get a vector game, though... Probably Asteroids or Tempest. Never actually played a Major Havoc (or even seen one in the wild)...
  13. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    I remember Tempest, Asteroids, and Havoc from the day. Yes, I've (carbon) dated myself, but those were really cool then and I'd like to have one now.
  14. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    Sorry, pussy works like kryptonite on my wit...
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    *hands Fred a MEGATOWEL to dry his eyes* You know you belong here, Fred. Ditch the pussy and come live with us all here at Fugly. I'm sure Bear Bryant will be more than happy to use those super muscular 'linebacker' jowls of hers (that have been sucking cocks since the age of 13) if the withdrawels get too overpowering.
  16. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    Tempting, Nursey... verrrry tempting.
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    R.I.P. Bobby... I miss drinking with him via webcam for hours on end. I got a little teared up when I read this and just thought I'd pipe in.
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Schmed! How could I forget...

    This guy sent me the shirt off his back. Literally.

    What a great guy. :)
  19. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    I can't say anything nice about anyone here cos i think every else is a cunt,kitana was ok cos she had an awesome ass but she got shot going over the border,but im awful glad and touched to see i was mentioned.
    Tommy - Thank the fuck you haven't been around lately.
    that was my personal favourite from dear lomo.
    Its rather sad and pathetic of me to say so but ive actually missed this place,so whats been happening since i got sectioned fill me in.
    i should probably have a big 'TOMMY IS BACK' thread but im far to inbred and intellectually challenged to attempt that but if nursey,pimp,cheesdawg,ulfur engil,lomo,reiz(my mom)phatboy,nauseous,maj,disorder and not forgetting dwaine etc would like to attempt it ill be more than happy to bask in my own glory.
    I sincerly hope you all die really soon.
  20. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Tommy is my Dark Tower comrade. One of few Fuglies with whom I've shared a literary discussion. His curious and inquisitive nature lends to his "little brother" disposition. That, and the fact that he calls everyone names. But even in his curses lies a sincerity that cannot be shrouded by his dim wit.

    Here's to you, little bradda. Long days and pleasant nights.

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