I would have shit my pants if someone came to my door, but then again, I never answer my door, so maybe I wouldn't. I'm sorry you had to go through that. You sure it wasn't just someone doing their 'civic duty'?
what shit happening?.. what are you talking about?.. can i speak to the personality that acknowledged that he was drunk when he deleted them and unbanned me.. it'll probably be the same one who apologised a few times over the years for doing it. weirdo
oh look!.. barry has decided to take time out from his newer more moral life path to slum it with us scumbags, make snipey little comments, and generally try to make him feel better about himself.. don't you have any stray junkies or dumb animals in your immediate vicinity you can try and act superior to?.. rather than wasting your time in here.. remember.. we're bad for your SOUL barry!
My new soul is dung proof. Good thing, since I slog through here about twice a day. Oh, and I mentioned you to Jesus today in my prayers. He said to tell you that he is very disappointed in you, and that you can forget gettting anything for Christmas this year. I just posted that thing about the "neochristian" to see if Nursey would bite. She didn't, which once again proves that she is smarter than you. no surprise there.....
Your post count was reset because you changed your name. Show me the thread where your post was deleted today.
You and Nursey had broken up for a while or something. That's all I remember. And I don't remember ever banning you and unbanning you. And I wouldn't have deleted all of your posts and I certainly would never have apologized to you for it if I had. I think you're imagining things or you're lying so cover up for deleting them yourself.
No no no not now. This was way before the first board move. Most recent one. http://forums.fugly.com/showthread.php?t=9661
Yeah, again. I don't know. We went from UBB (long looooong ago), then to PHPBB, then to SMF and now to this new one. Somewhere between the minute I started this site and when I finally found it in late 2005, someone hacked in and actually re-compiled Apache. They had total control over the server for God knows how long so anything is possible. It happened again in late 2006 but I don't think they were in for very long. I am sure that the first time it could have been years they had access. There's not a whole lot I can tell you about it now. All I can recommend is, if you see anything strange NOW, please let me know.
That one I did delete, yes. There is a reason you can see if you're logged in. I don't think that is a spammer and I wanted to give the guy at least a little bit of time before people started telling him to kill himself. I don't understand how you guys can complain about no new people joining and at the same time, everyone who does you instantly attack and try to drive away. Maybe it's a 'Scorpion and the Frog' thing. I don't get it.