HAPPY 9/11!!

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by TheGrimJesus, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Taken earlier on today:


  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Gee, it's hi-jinx all round with this guy!
  3. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Point in other thread proven
  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ok Dis but you should see what I'm point out to you.

    The theories do not totally make since surely you do not think that the unimaginable double standard we are seeing would not be a direct response of the Elite you refer to.

    Otherwise they would see it for what it is. And its not hard for a super Elite organization to take care of these publicity matters.

    You feed from the teat of the Elite you speak of.
  5. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Who are the elite Joe?
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Stop tailing me, you mong.
  7. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Check the original poster of this thread twit.
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dis knows better than me.

    So apparently there is a shadow system that orchestrates all of these world events behind the scenes.

    The events are occurring so all I'm saying is that it is being "by the same logic that Dis touts" being orchestrated by "The Elite"

    For example if Harry Reid has not been forced to resign over the illegal land deal money laundering scheme. Then one could assume he is within or without the Elite organization. He must be within.

    On the same token. Scooter Libby, Tom Delay, Senator Craig. These guys must not be members of the Elite plan.

    Hillary Clinton walking away from millions of communist cash unscathed?

    She has got to be part of the "Elite" plan.

    Vallery Plame , Joe Wilson there still alive and for Christ sake not even been charged have they?

    Part of the “Elite” no doubt about it.

    It is not that these people are to sly to get caught. They already were caught red hand in the cookie jar. Walk away scott free.
  9. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member


    Joe close your eyes for 10 seconds clear your head. Then read that again and relize how crazy it sounds
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I did it does not sound crazy to me. Please explain.

    But be specific.
  11. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Some shadowy secret society controlling everything in the world. PLEASE.

    Corporations & Lobbies control everything with cold hard cash. They do it out in the open in front of all of us
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    But I'm talking to Dis and trying to draw a picture damn it and do it in a nice way not insulting.

    Your right and foreign lobby should be totally and unequivocally banned.

    And it is only in the open to those who care to find out. The public is VERY shallow and only perceives the way the media tells them to perceive.
  13. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    It's just Bush trying to do The Shocker. He fucks it up, just like the word, "nookulerrr" so anyone who's prone to paranoid thinking assumes it's a sign to the devil or something.
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Or perhaps, something to do with the Skull and Bones (masonic i.e. occult) order.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I watched a documentary on them the other night. Weird shit. The Bushes were in it.
  16. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    I'll refer to Barry trying to better me, claiming that 'numerology is part of the occult' and here it is so obvious because they flaunt it in full view!

    Some of the number 'rantings' I came up with were very likely true and tied in with it; like 322, being a number of a skull & bones chapter, a prime number and the date of the madrid bombings (22nd march)

    911 is also a prime number and possibly even a chapter too. The fact that he's giving this sign, on this date should ring some alarms bells, that it also points to the ground is also symbolic.

    I think the downward gesture, means 'anti-christ' or I heard something like that, but I couldnt see it there.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2007
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I can honestly say that I am in shock.

    So let me see if I have this.

    Bush (and his satanic henchmen):

    1. Planned and put into motion the terrorists attacks of 9/11. (2001)

    2. Had Hurricane Katrina flood New Orleans (apparently the rest of the gulf coast was an accident). (2005)

    3. Planned and put into motion the terrorists attack on the WTC in 93. (1993)

    4. Gassed up the john boat that bombed the USS Cole. (2000)

    5. Shot down the BlackHawks in Mogadishu. (1993)

    6. Bombed US Air Force Barracks in Saudi Arabia. (1996)

    7. Bombed the US Embassy in Kenya. (1998)

    8. Bombed the American Consulate in Pakistan. (2002)

    9. Bombed American Hotels in Amman, Jordan. (2005)

    10. The Madrid bombing (just to round out the attacks)

    Lets see, these started in the early 90s, when ole whats his name was in power, Clinton, that's right. They went unpunished through the Clinton administration. The last being the USS Cole in 200, just prior to the elections(so Bush had to be in on that). Then in 2001, after almost a decade of free reign, they perform the attacks on 9.11. So, somehow, Bush got all these individuals, of Middle Eastern descent, to perform his wishes, even though they sternly hate Americans, they would take orders from one? And a devil worshipping one at that? I dunno, I think more along the lines of, 'hey we have benn getting away with this for a while, lets try something bigger'. But, after 9.11 things changed. The U.S. didnt just take it on the chin and keep going. They fought back. They started in Afghanistan, a known haven for terrorist. Then moved over to Iraq, after 6 months of hedging, a known haven for terrorist(if saddam paid peoples families to be suicide bombers, its a breeding ground for terrorists). And soon we will move to Iran, and then Syria. Why not? Take the fight to them for a change, be proactive, not reactive.
  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    As I agree with Phat the entire concept of Bush masterminding anything besides if he needs to go #1 or # 2 is beyond ludicrous. Lets look a little deeper at some other things said.

    adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices

    A religious group that follows a particular theological system. In the context of Christianity, and in particular, CARM, it is a group that uses the Bible but distorts the doctrines that affect salvation sufficiently to cause salvation to be unattainable. A few examples of cults are Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Christadelphians, Unity, Religious Science, The Way International, and the Moonies.

    Now as far as I'm concerned any organized religion ever in the history of the world I consider cults. They fit the definition of the word and as we all know a group of liked minded people is far more dangerous then one person with an idea.

    Also we know that religion thru the years has been used as a tool by Kings & Politicians and the like to control their people and get ahead in power struggles of the world. This hasn't changed in thousands of years and still goes on today. It's a distraction to keep us from looking at really is going on. If they know they can blame or praise God that a majority of the sheep won't look at what they are doing. So when the minority speaks up they are looked upon as nonbelievers and ridiculed and not taken seriously.

    The above apply to any secret society. To me the goal of any would be secret society like Skull & Bones and the like would be to stay secret. Just the fact that we know that these so called secret groups excites defeats the purpose of said group. As most of these groups are either heavily based on the Christen teachings or pagan Gods of old.

    By allowing us to know about these groups and say they are *secret* is a ploy for us to want to know everything about them like the Masons and the like. We as a curious species that likes to know everything about everything can't help ourselves but to research read a go see movies about things we're not suppose to know about.

    This is were the rub is. The few that don't buy everything the government and all our doing spend there time looking at these ploys. They don't bother to look right under there nose at the people really running the show. Cheney is one of the people who has an in with the real power players. I think he is probably one of the few in the in who has actually been in the public eye since Johnson in the 60's.

    The corporations are the puppet masters in this country and the big 3 are still running the show like they always have. Some may be under fire but they still call the shots.

    Oil,Tobacco, & firearms people.
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im not 100% sure what haliburton does. Im not 10% sure what haliburton does. I know they make a ton of money from the U.S. Government. It's almost like they do the work that the government doesnt want to do, or doesnt want responsibility for doing. Or maybe they all have stock in it. Reminds me of a company I used to work for. They always had this construction contract company on-site. Always. Wether there was work going on or not. This contract company would hire dead-beats and thugs, who would in turn steal from company employees lockers, they would steal equipment the company paid for (equipment the company I worked for would by welders/concrete saws/pipe bending equipment and so on if this contract company didnt have them to use for themselves) then they would steal it. I asked friends, "Why dont they get kicked off site?" Then I learned that the plant managers 'wife' owned the contract company.

    If you start a 'grass-roots' campaign to change the government, they call you a militia and go all Waco on your asses.
  20. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    This is a very true statement. Even when the constitution of the United States states that we may take up arms to change the government if it starts to go away from the stated document.

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