Just wanted to wish everyone a happy 9/11. Don't forget to watch Fox News so we know how Dooooooooomed we are.
Hey retard It's the other networks that are trying to constantly beat the drums of doom and gloom. BTW. The report is in the surge is a success. The doom and gloom media convinced enough Americans that the War had to be ended and that there was a couture of corruption that needed to be removed or we are...."Doomed" Hahahahaha! Since the left took over. They have screwed up the housing market, scared the rest of the financial markets. Taken millions of dollars from foreign Communist interests as payment for .... ruining America? There are no less troops as a matter of fact far more RECORD more in Iraq. Corruption is absolutely rampant but it’s in the Democratic ranks so that makes it ok right? Bush is about to be handed a 200 billion budget for the Iraq war with NO STRINGS attached. The cook left fringe is bouncing off the walls because they are so pissed. Not Fox but all the other networks dedicated their time explaining to the people that the General about to make a statement about the state of the Iraq situation is a known liar for the upcoming weeks to the address. But it's Fox we should fear right? You really are as retarded as Nursey says. I do however enjoy having you around.
Tell it too there retard expert they had on the other day, when they OBL tape came out and he said we would be attacked soon and it would be..... 9/11 X 100000000000 and we should be scarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred.. I know you watched it
Actually I did not. Personally I have thought those OBL tapes were fake for some time and I'm getting a grasp on the administrations strategy with allowing the fiasco to go unchallenged. They are letting the people slowly figure out that they have been duped. Hillary Clinton in a speech recently expressed alarm that if there were a terrorist attack to occur the Republicans may benefit politically. She gets to hedge her bet both ways if it does happen she will have her proxy propagandist out there circulating stories that "Bush faked a terrorist attack for votes" This would lessen the damage to herself. The alarming fact is the concerns she forgot to mention. Such as if a terrorist attack occurs thousands of lives could be lost. If a terrorist attack occurred the financials market would take a huge hit. If a terrorists attack occurred business and jobs would be effected. Her only concern was that some Republicans might get more votes. Mean while she is taking millions of dollars from the communist in a bid for a presidential election.
No, thats true, left & right are just distractive choices, they are both funded and controlled by the same elites and will bow to those elitist needs, its a massive scam.
Let me ask you a question. Are these "Elites" the ones keeping Pootin, Chaves, Kim Jung in office? Or does their manipulative skills only work in a democracy? Are you offended at the mind controll techniques used by Armchairdian ofer in Iran?
Let me ask you a question. Are these "Elites" the ones keeping Pootin, Chaves, Kim Jung in office? Or does their manipulative skills only work in a democracy? Are you offended at the mind controll techniques used by Armchairdian ofer in Iran?
Do you guys really enjoy thinking about how fucked up the government is and picking a side? I don't like to think about it. I know that makes me ignorant, but I see too much pain and unfairness in this world to add that shit in. I really don't think the goverment is worth my thought time. I guess I am contradicting myself posting here, but I just wanted to give you this ignorant American's point of view. I don't hate this country, but there are a lot things about it that I don't like.
Its quite likely, and highly probable, yes. No, see china: (communist), england (a monarchy), etc etc. They also fund and manipulate extremist groups in the middle east, to cause in-fighting, they have a hand in every dirty war since WW1, at least, possibly longer. They funded Hitler... who, quite similarly claimed exactly the same thing when rising to power, which was based on a lie; Hitler claimed the "enemy were terrorists and going to attack the 'homeland' so germany had to rise up to deafeat them first", to paraphrase, your Homeland Security is exactly the same as the one hitler put into place.. Hitler wanted a New World Order, Bush senior wanted it, Bush wants it, Hilary wants it, because they are all puppets. Hitler wanted a perfect race. The government now cant stop telling us what to do, what to eat, what not to inhale etc etc, they want to create the perfect race, killing all imperfect beings in the process. Scientists have just opened up the possibility for splicing and human and animals in to hybrids. Russia flexing its military muscle is no coicidence, they are gearing up for military action. We are overdue for a war. 9/11 was an inside job, its too obvious now, This is bigger than just America being the bully. America is not the owner or the protector of the world, its a tool, controlled by the banks. Its a load of monkies with machine guns, all we have to do is throw some bananas at the enemy and they will kill to eat them. You have a lot of reading to do if you think it just stops at america or any of its phoney agendas. This is about total global enslavement and control.
Thats the problem there, nauseous, is when people want to be ignorant, these things go unchecked; "Evil prevails, when good men do nothing." "What we do for ourselves, dies with us, but what we do for others, lives for eternity." Being ignorant, isnt going to make the 'nasty world' go away, it only exacerbates it.
Bush makes sign of the devil at 9/11 tribute .. http://news.yahoo.com/photo/070911/480/af04ac4c79004c1781e72a1971d114f7
Socialism interrupts natural selection. The more successful are having less children the less successful are having more. What we have here is natural selection in reverse. This clashes with your theory If these Elites were all you say they are then they would be on to this. Look at your Western Europe. Damn straight! ... Well the first part that is. I would prefer to avoid the war you refer to. But you misconstrue the intention. Russia wants to be once again a communist nation but with a hybrid capitalism thing going on like China. And they are doing fine dumbing down their and our masses. Our media as well as the Democrats are just another branch of their system. They are gearing up and creating an axis of allies China, Iran, Russia, and now they are getting South American countries in their pocket helping them rig election systems there. Their real and effective tool is propaganda. You love to obsess on these conspiracy theories. What use of the Elites is Move-On.org? Looks like they were spinning the generals report before it hit the presses weren’t they? Of what use to the Elites are the Indie film producers? Or are the Indie film producers the mavericks here looking out for the truth who are immune to being removed from being a nuisance by the Elites? Why did the Elites allow Scooter libby to be charged with a crime that was never a crime? Why do the Elites allow people to still to this day believe that Vallerie Plame is a covert CIA agent? Why are the Elites allowing Hillary Clinton to make huge profit accepting money from the Communist Chinese and after being caught walk away unscathed? Don’t these Elites know what they are doing or are they just a bunch of keystone cops that cannot get their head out of their asses?
Check the the picture.. Anyway, I know I claim that these things and the evidence is there if you care to look, their motives are highly plausable and very dangerous if correct. Is it really something to ignore or not? . Apart from that, I hope (and sometimes see) that they will actually be losing their grip, because more and more people are waking up to what is really happening. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players
Ok and what if the Elites are getting stronger by the day because they are convincing enough people to distrust who they should trust while distracting them from what is going on? Look at any of my questions pick the one you like and tell me how it fits the Elite master plan. Tom Delay was forced to resign and charges were brought against him. For alleged crimes that cannot be proven. That Senator from Illinois was carved while trying to take a shit in a public toilet with tapping his foot and forced to resign. The Ohio representative that recently was found with massive blunt head trauma to the head and neck. How do these fit in to the Elite plan? Meanwhile Harry Reid breaks the law on an Arizona land deal. And walks free no media coverage. Nancy Pelosi goes against her own rules and legislates to make money for her and her husbands private company. And it's all good. John Murtha breaks senate rules and earmarks millions of dollars for his own made up company not a peep in the televised media. So the elites must have a hand in what is going on they do this and the dumb public does not know. I just want to know what is the Elites motive for doing it. I'm with ya Diss so please help me out here. Any suggestions?
The sad part of the whole mess is that it will take something catastrophic happening to evoke change. 9/11 wasnt bad enough apparently. There is a movie on Demand called 'idiocracy' it is pretty stupid but basically says the same thing joe said, except eventually the smart people died out. I have friends and family members that are politicians. It is amazing when I ask them about something I read the way the media 'chooses' to print what it feels is 'news worthy'. I think they got in it for the right reasons, to make change, but if you have some free time, google "augusta Georgia county commission" and just read some of the articles. A commissioner, who is an avid drag racer, wanted to build a drag-strip in a rural part of the county. They did studies to show how it would make money, and revenues for the city, yadda yadda, then a story comes to light that his son-in-law purchased land across the street from said location, and got a business license for the 'business' called 'Drag Snacks' before the location was announced. Of course the commissioner swears it was just a coincidence. Then our minor league ball club wants to build a new stadium, downtown on the river. Cal Ripken Jr, owns the team, and asked the city for ideas and what not. This commissioner, whose racetrack was voted down, said that they could build the new stadium as soon as the race track was completed. In it for themselves? Yep. You get one honest person in office they will end up missing. Like Clintons friends. Or they will get an invite to go hunting with Dick Cheney, or for a short drive with Ted Kennedy. Nope, it will take a major incident to cause change. Hopefully it wont be too late.
The thermometer on the south side of my house says 80 but it feels cooler. This would be an awsome day for it so I'm gonna go for a ride. Thanks Phat for a little back. Politicians will be as corrupt as their boss allows them to be. The boss has to have the right information to discipline the politician. BTW the boss is you. And given the information you are recieving one side of the isle is being disciplined even if nothing was done wrong. The other you are told is a little group of angels wanting nothing but peace, love, and prosperity for all. The Elites are feeding you all a line of shit.
Idiocracy is a brilliant satire and a great comedy, I recommend to everyone. If you had everything, how much trouble would you go to keeping it? What would you do to keep it? I sure wouldn't want people even thinking about it, and if they did think, for just one moment, then I better be positive I'm able to watch them constantly, in case they put thought into action! You see? This is why everything is happening like it is. The people 'up there', do not ever want to lose what they have, they're insane with power. The market will just end up as one giant conglomerate; and the military-industrial complex makes money by waging wars and its land and power grabbing, the further binding of all the powers that currently exist, is what they're after. This is an assault on multiple simultanious fronts and what is at threat is our whole perception of what we feel is 'normal' or 'free' or 'fair'. We will be drones; sexless, drugged up, obedient slaves.