What are the best cartoons you grew up with My picks: Ulysses 31 Mysterious Cities Of Gold Pole Position Dungeons & Dragons Inspector Gadget Danger Mouse The Dreamstone The Raccoons
Its about nostalgia really, anyway, if you dont have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. PS.. You can play I-Spy on your own if you like, but it will become just as tedious when you know all the answers beforehand. Anyway, before you go critisising what I post, why don't you post something new and amazing that everyone can be involved in.
But anyway, back on topic. Here is one of my favourite cartoons. Ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyy2lEsuIHk
You really have some sort of cigar fetish, don't you? Actually it was 'Computer', seeing as I am looking at it this minute.. but thats a crap game anyway, reserved only for kids stuck in cars without a PSP(some kids) or any active imagination(most kids) I don't know why I posted in CS, maybe because the topic is generally serious. I don't really distinguish between this and mayhem, they're both full of nutters who post crazy things. Except this is slightly more moderated, apparently, thus exlcusive of vulgarity and porn. Really, my other post should have been in Mayhem, but a bit late now.
You know I wish I had more to participate but honestly my favorite beside speed racer was just the whole Looney Toon cast of cartoons. Elmer Fudd Silvester and Tweedy Daffy Duck Fog Horn Leg Horn? (was that the name?) Buggs Bunny Almost forgot! Roadrunner in the Willey Coyote Then there was Hanna Barabra Tom and Jerry Show.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2I7rlmefA8 and... more importantly... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LO03pd6X-4 Not that I actually watched either of these as a child, but I can't help but be entertained by the videos... These are *must watch* videos - see for yourself... American propaganda at it's best! Check it out...
I'd be worried... You might want to get her started on some extracurricular activities so that she has a rounded childhood experience from which to draw upon... Say, "Yard Darts" - those are always fun, and if you can get by the safety recall, you might find a set...
She's turned out just fine. You're talking to her right now in fact. But i have ordered 20 boxes of those lawn darts! They could come in very useful when the mortgage collapse street riots start. All i need now is to board up my windows and i'll be sorted!