comments are almost ready. Please take a look here and do your best to try and break them. It only works on this page. Please tell me what you think should be changed/added.
That was one of the beauties of the comments section - no need to sign up or be held accountable for whatever drivel you posted there. And seeing as we want more brainssss...i mean is a far more enticing way to draw them in.
Anonymous comments would only invite more spam. If you stop attacking everyone who joins the forums, you will have more friends. Ass.
I don't. I think you are confusing me with Moskau. If newcomers can't take a few playful jibes, they are probably too young to be posting here. Arse.
I dont even look at the front page nor does anything really interest me but something tells me it wont be used much, I dunno ???
If that's the case, you better win some more lasik eye treatments. -Or- let me just take a mellon baller to his eyes.
Well, you and Jeff are both adults, so it's between you and him really. Want me to help restrain him?
Yes. I have been looking for the perfect melon baller and I think I found it: This thing will core apples. I think it should do the trick on his Cro-Magnon-type head.