
Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Barry is sulking now.
  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Is it because of the NY Yankees isnt it?

    The rest of the world doesnt hate America, if it did then why are so many people trying to get in? The parts of the world that hate America are those that dont like getting their hands slapped when they try to take what isnt theirs. Saying the rest of the world hates America is a very broad statement. Like Uncle Ben said, "With power comes responsibility, with great power comes great responsibility". If something bad happens, Kosuvo, and we dont help, we are the bad guy, if we do help, we are still the bad guy. The United Nations is supposed to be the 'world police' however without the United States they have no power - no backbone, not to mention the corruption in that organization. How come bin laden couldnt have crashed a plane into that building?
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yes, it's a broad statement. I mean, Israel and Uzbekistan don't hate the U.S. I think you are thinking of the pre-neocon America. Now, thanks to your current leadership, your country is considered a pariah nation. Of course people still flock to it. There is a lot of wealth to be had there. But it's fast going down the drains, my friend.

    And the U.N.? What a joke. It's nothing more than Georgey boy's used johnny.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    See that's the cool thing about a democracy, it's an ever changing government.

    So a neocon is a person who was liberal, but is now conservative.
    A neocon is a Jewish intellectual you disagree with. The definition of neocon isnt even clear. I did read that they were against civil rights, and the new deal.

    I think anyone that hates Americans for our government is an idiot. It would be like us hating all Iraqis because they are from Iraq.

    And if we are going down the drain, I would rather be here, cause if we are screwed there really isnt a lot of hope for anyone else.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    The 'cool thing' about (so called) 'democracy' is fooling millions of people into believing they have choice and freedom when the corporate industrial military complex is calling all the shots.

    Well they disowned the name after it attracted negative press. Call them neorepublicans, or dual loyalist Ameri-Zionists, or PNAC. Call them the bunch of megalomaniacs who, prior to 9-11, openly stated the 'need' for a 'New Pearl Harbour' type event as a catalyst for geopolitical changes they wished to make to bring about the 'New American Century'. That's who i am referring to. The ones who are currently in charge.

    Why? What did Iraq ever do to you?

    I'm sure that if Iraq had invaded and completely decimated America in every way imaginable, as well as making threats to the rest of the planet ("with us or against us"), you would hate Iraq.

    People hate America for its' overseas policies. People hate Americans for their ignorance and arrogance of what is really happening beyond America's borders.

    Are you sure about that? Personally, i would rather be in a slightly more traditional (family based) society when the shit really hits the fan. They are more likely to help one another than those in modern, consumer based societies who have become alienated from each other, isolated and selfish.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    And before anyone points out this seeming indiscrepency in what i say:

    Liberal Hawks Ally with Project for the New American Century

    To this day Richard Perle, Fieth and Wolfowitz are still Democrats. The day the Republican party, which they hijacked also, no longer suits their needs, they'll follow other PNAC neo-cons like Marshall Wittman back to the Democratic Party where the neoliberal Democratic Leadership Council is laying out the welcome mat for them.

    "Surge" or "Involuntary" Military Conscription: The Neo-Conservative Architects of Military Escalation

    Ok, no more of this. I've explained my position, if anyone disagrees, go and start a thread about it in cold sober so i can get back to posting crap from my youtube account.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2007
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    America and the Third World War

    Last edited: Aug 22, 2007
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  12. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    This is amazing: Ki projection

  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That's a crock of shit.

    Although the judo , jutiszu (graplers) are more impressive than the Karate guys.

    Believe in what you're doing and know what is right. Do whats right and make no appologies for directing your blind rage at whoever is wrong. That's my judo creed.

    Take tonight for example me and the wife are walking the dogs. Its over cast and dark. As we approach the tennis court some kids in a toyota come spinning wheels out of the court parking lot. I know thay do not see us and move to real in the Chauauaha (whatever) and move to the side. as the car wheels around it sees us and hits hard on the brakes. At this point I'm not mad and I'm thinking the kid is embarassed at his stupid mistake. I'm looking at him and then I look back at my wife she is still in the road and yelling at the kid. I laugh (she has a temper) and think Yeah kid take your licks and ease on down the road at a safe and respectable pace. But the kid goes past then stops like he has got something he wants to say.

    Oh shit here it goes I'm instantly pissed as hell. start running at the car. This breaks the leash cause the dog was wrapped aroung my wife. Which I think to my self "Great a projectile in my hand" as I'm running and he starts wheeling away again. Whap goes the doggy recoil leash against the back of the Toyota. He stops hard now. I'm still running full pace I see him attempting to get out of the car back kick the door into some body part or two. I hear him scream but I'm looking at the passenger comming around from getting a tennis racket out of the back seat. and reaching for his door. I jump onto the hood making a nice dent and am at the passenger side just in time to smack him in the face as his friend is yelling "Fuck it man" and taking off.

    God I feel good. And I did not even hurt my hand this time.
  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    But that's the difference between you and me, Joe. You are a brute. And i am an ahtist.
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Not really. I hate to see a person in pain generally. I have a deep compassion for animals. I have to leave in the middle of one of my wife’s rented chick flicks acting all cool as if I need a drink or something so as not to get caught getting choked up on the sensitive scenes.

    I have never ever picked on the odd man out in a group. Like the kid at school that gets picked on. I always try to see both sides of a situation.

    But there are things that trigger my rage. I was honestly concerned that kid was going to hit my dog and or possibly me. But I was willing to pass that off. However my adrenalin was already peaked.

    My wife chewed my ass half the way home for 1: causing a burn mark on the side of her leg with the leash. And 2: for thinking I'm superman and kids in cars having guns etc. I finally explained that if she had not yelled at he kid and the kid did not feel compelled to then act belligerent then the problem would not have happened.
  18. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    This must be how the aliens make crop circles
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Cool as hell isn't it?

    I used to shake things at different frequencies and amplitudes.

    And as you can see from that board sitting on basically a speaker. Different frequencies resonate at different areas of the board. This phenomenon can be used to accelerate time in relation to natural wear and tear of a device, mechanism or material. Best when ised in conjunction with simultanious fluctuations in other atmospheric conditions like temperature, humidity and pressure.

    That was a fascinating job at first.
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    So you physically assaulted someone because you imagined they might be about to hit your you or your dog? Because they were slowing down to a standstill after your wife had launched a verbal tirade at them? Does nobody in the U.S. ever stop to ask people if everything is ok? Does it automatically mean they're about to jump out and attack you? It reminds me of this:

    You're from Texas, aren't you Joe?

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