I guess that really is her it's amazing such a sad train wreak. http://teens.aol.com/entertainment/britney-spears?photo=3
If thats really her she looks like my Uncle Tony in drag, not that desirable at all. Anyway, Christina was always my personal favourite, in looks and voice. She'd get it.
My god, its appalling they let her back on TV and a good job I don't have one. Looks like she took 2 years of kickboxing and entered some amature wresting tournaments. What a poor excuse for a woMAN
Oh jesus...what have i done!? I've even got '~Pukey f'reva~' tattooed on my arm. Drugs are for mugs, kids. And mugs are for tea. And tea.......is for me! Now if it had been Limpy i'd said it to, i'd be shooting myself in the face right now.
You know, i am feeling a little ashamed of myself after having watched this video. My sincere apologies to Ms. Spears if she is reading.
Looks like Britney's biting back - at those who have cruelly used and discarded her. Like Madonna...who is not going to miss the obvious lookalike who cavorts about adoringly sniffing Brit's fat butt crack! Provocative! ("You want this") ~Mocking~ ("You can't have it!")