We don't have Instant Message chat in here. Not that I'm aware of. It's something we can add though. What is it that you're asking to have access to? Am I missing something? PS. I accidentally deleted Dwaine's poo link. Sorry about that.
its probly not possible for a nooby like me, but im just askin im talking about the IM pranksters, like cheesedog and evil_sarah
Yeah he called me collect, and said that if martin replaced him, when he gets out, he is cutting them both, with a nigger knife. Thats prison slang for a broken bottle. If you didn't know. So knew guy, post some material, AND IT BETTER BE FUCKING FUNNY!!!!!
Email your best effort to us. We'll either embrace you or track you down and chop off your thumbs so you can never IM again. It's a risk, sure, but if you succeed, it's totally worth it. What have you got to lose? I mean, other than your thumbs...
No, but Moskau's busy juicing up his bottom right now, so if you hurry you might still be able to catch him before he collapses in a heap of semen-streaked vomit.
No. He's probably in an 18-wheeler on his way to Florida to see you though. I told him your name was Bowen and he flipped out. Sorry.
Well, it would appear as though Bowel's feeble, papier-mache like brain just packed in and collapsed under the intense atmospsychic pressure created by our combined formidable wits. Even improtected continues to exist amongst us, which must make him...limpy's bitch!
I have, a hilarious chat me and my friend tricked a girl into thinking my friend had commited suicide. She believed it It is so funny, do i just post it here? I cant email Fugly, He blocked emails
I'm slapping my knee already. Come back when you convinced them your outside their home and just murdered their dog and we can talk.