here are a few more memories Dwarf Pimpchichicoon The snapper King My gorgeous bitches. remember the invasion from the military crowd that follwed Medicvet?
Hollz...the original forum bitch. Some ungrateful little shit called Rossy (Ross Perot) after his balls had dropped and he'd run away to join the 'circanus' (local rentboy gang). I'm not bitter. Icenhour Picture i found in my private messages from Mia, bless. Diogenes and friend. Barry dies and goes to heaven.
Barry's other georgeous bitch morphing into a Laura Engils mask. Moskau the Wonder Dog. My original avatar.
You're damn skippy. Click these. My best friend Dwaine goes for the gold. The other Alabama Coach. See the nice balding pattern?
Oh thaaaanks, UT. I think i'll look for a shitty picture of you and enlarge it, ya prick! Anyway, i think these artistic creations of yours better capture the mood of the time:
Well, no, those are weasels. But since you brought it up, people who are considered 'rats' are like grasses - the kind of people who are only out for themselves, (eg. don't go out of their way to do favours for people) and certainly won't willingly return cash that was offered to them for doing a favour into other people's paypal accounts. Nob.
She's talking about this: I just need one more person to sign up and complete one of the sca... I mean "Offers". It seems impossible though and even Nursey couldn't figure it out. If anyone else wants to take a stab at it, I'll pay you back for what you spend to complete it (within reason - don't sign up for a life-time supply of bacon or something).