first week of school

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by improtected, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. improtected

    improtected New Member

    so my kids started school this week. my son is going into second grade and my daughter started kindergarten. last year she was in preschool, which got out every day at 1, and began at 9. there are certain freedoms that we have now since both children are to be at school before 8 and they get out at 3. it really is a good thing - my hours at the office will be more regular, the nanny will have less mileage that i have to pay her for - it's good.

    but she's my baby. and before you rail me for being that sentimental over-protective mother - it isn't going to bother me. i'm proud to love them and protect them.

    when he started kindergarten, it was tough, but i walked away that morning with my three year old on my hip. thursday, i walked away empty handed.

    she was born prematurely. and at the same time my dr was sewing me up and completing my tubal ligation, the pediatrician on call was hitting her on her transparant bottom saying 'come on, little girl, breathe..'. it was the first most horrible moment of my life. shortly after that came throwing the pitcher of ice water at the nurses' head when she wouldn't bring me a breast pump and my daughter and i were separated, in different hospitals. it's hard when the one thing your body is supposed to do, it fails at.

    so weeks go by and whatever, she finally gets off the heart monitor and starts porking up and in fact gets such baby fat in her cheeks that she couldn't even smile. and she was healthy and strong and i'm telling you she's smarter than all of us put together. before her third birthday she said this to her brother "well.... you may have a penis.. but you do not know everything". no shit. we'd been talking about the differences between boys and girls and she hit him with that.

    so she's healthy and strong yet i kept beating myself up for not being able to carry her to term. which leads to a whole lotta psycho crazy ass shit that i'll never forgive myself for. so i finally start to get over it this year. we're making great strides and i understand that it wasn't me and it's all ok.

    then she goes and pulls this on the first day of school: we walk down the hall, we put up her things say hello to the teacher and the children and all of that. give hugs and say good bye, and then with the quivery lip she says, 'mama...' and i froze. my wonderful husband took over and as we left the kindergarten teacher palmed me some kleenex.

    a lot of it is that a chapter in our lives has closed. baby hood is over and god, i loved it. i loved it and it didn't last nearly as long as i wish it had. but the cool thing about being a parent is that so far, every stage has been my favorite. i just hope this one hurries up and becomes my favorite quickly. because right now it just sucks.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i see many unintelligible paint scrawls coupled with fridge magnets in your future
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I guess some people were born to be mothers.

    I am talking about ImP, not you Pimp. You were born to be Nursey's arse bandit.

  4. improtected

    improtected New Member


    many more. we took down the litkey to put up the kids' self portraits. they're gorgeous. and yes, i have the kids' artwork professionally framed. but then again, i also have two children who are great at art and began suzuki at 18 mos (that would be violin, not the vehicle) and cello at 4 yrs.

    so in other words, it doesn't bother me at all.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    At least if I don't have kids I can experience it vicariously through your stories Imp.
  6. improtected

    improtected New Member

  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Thats just whacked. I guess they have lightning proof umbrellas as well. The chances of getting killed in a school shooting are much worse than the chances for gettting struck by lightning.

    Here a few interesting facts -
    Odds that you will die in a school shooting - 1 in 2,000,000
    Odds that your pajamas will catch fire = 1 in 1,800,000
    Odds that you will get struck by lightning = 1 in 80,000
    Odds that you will receive the death penalty = 1 in 62,000
    Odds that a powerline will fall on you and kill you = 1 in 39,000
    Odds that you will die from alcohol poisoning = 1 in 10,000
    Odds that you will intentionally poison yourself = 1 in 686
    Odds that you will intentionally hang yourself = 1-565
    Odds that you will intentionally shoot yourself = 1 in 222 :eek:
    Odds that you will die from natural casues at an old age = 1 in 1.2

    (Only one in 22 people die from any cause other than "old age".)
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Im not leaving the house again.

    My kids started school this morning. Daughter is in 5th grade, and my boy is starting 2nd.

    This morning we take them to school and drop them off. No teary good byes, no kisses on the cheeks, just 'see ya' and off they go.

    The good thing is that school is back in session, the bad thing is that school is back in session. It's amazing how fast time flies. I dont have the art on the fridge, I have that in my office, so I can remember why I work, and the house is 'littered' with trophies, and footballs, and legos, and baseball gloves, and hot wheels, and video games....wait that is just his room. :)

    Nothing gets the old blood pumping faster than stumbling half asleep through a dark house at 5:30 in the morning and stepping on a lego on hardwood floors. It'll wake you up faster than coffee.
  9. improtected

    improtected New Member

    so i'm not even taking the kids to school in the mornings because it's just too much. instead, hubby takes them and i pick them up - great deal, except that on the way home i have to hear about all of the little poor shits that call my daughter names. and i'm trying desperately not to teach her how to beat the shit out of them. one of these kids is actually named after a shoe. ?? so i'm trying to teach her to be an example of how the children should act and to show them how friends treat each other and the shit about two wrongs and i swear if i could get away with it i'd grab a baseball bat and hit that timberland kid across the forehead so hard he wouldn't be able to function.
  10. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Teach your daughter to hit hard, directly on the nose. It's the bully stopper. She needs to learn it soon. One hit to the nose, and the average 1st grade bully is done for the day.
  11. improtected

    improtected New Member

    she's in kindergarten, and you know my husband would totally lose it if i taught her to do that.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Maybe if your husband had learned to do that in the first grade you wouldn't have been expected to move your entire house all by yourself. ;)
  13. improtected

    improtected New Member


    and maybe if i would stop biting my tongue and slug him my life would be even more fucked up.

    edit: you have me responding like a mad drunk, you know.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Blame your drinking on me. :)
  15. improtected

    improtected New Member

    i don't need anything to blame the drinking on. thank god for drinking.

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