Canine STD

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    What ever happened to that angry looking pirate?
  2. improtected

    improtected New Member

    when i saw the subject line i thought this was about another sickness you might have.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I spewed coffee through my nose. :biggrin:
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Well, aren't shitnosed bear and pedofile bear an hilarious duo?
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Zings all around, except for IAMPROTECTED, you still suck
  6. improtected

    improtected New Member

    that's not my name, dwain.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    anyname you still suck. what's your real name?
  8. improtected

    improtected New Member

    are you trying to be nice so i'll send you copies of the cage pix?
  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    christ no. i was just curious, and honestly, thoughts of you in any kind of porn makes me nauseous (no offense pukey)
  10. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    None taken.
  11. improtected

    improtected New Member

    sorry, dwaine - i just couldn't fathom why in the hell you weren't cursing me out in that post - it was so unlike the others which just reek of a nutria pecking away at a keyboard.
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    oh, my bad, *ahem* go fuck yourself... there, happy?
  13. improtected

    improtected New Member

    much better. the earth has regained its momentum.
  14. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    I studied law at Harvard while working part time as a clam-farmer. I graduated with honours and set off to rid the third-world of AIDS and teach African Tribeswomen how to bake a soufflé.

    I've just this very moment got home, and I rushed online to speak to you; and low-and-behold, what do I find? The Jezabelle has only gone and gotten married!

    You were supposed to be saving yourself for ME! You were supposed to resist acting upon your whorish desires and await my return from passing-on my knowledge of catering to Godless people living in the windswept deserts of Africa. You were supposed to enter into a loveless marriage with me, and cook, clean and perform sexual acts in return for an Australian visa.

    Just please, please tell me it wasn't in a church. I'd rather think of you getting married by an Elvis impersonator than by a vicar.

    P.S. Congratulations ;)
    Although I didn't recieve my invitation — must have been a postal strike that week.
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You sure know how to make someone feel horrible. I hadn't heard from you in so long that I thought you may have been sacrificed and your blood used in some aids curing potion.

    Thanks, BTW. I had a 'civil ceremony'.
  16. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Yeah, sorry about that. My excuse is that I got my prescription for dexamphetamine and discovered I wasn't half as socially-retarded as I thought I was and have spent the last year, for the first time in 29 years, having a decent social life and some meaningful relationships etc.
    Unfortunately, having taken them every day for a year, I've built-up a healthy resistance to amphetamines (I shoved nearly a half-weight of good quality crystal-meth up my nose the other week and got nothing from it,) and they're not working too well. I'm a month ahead on my prescription and have run out, meaning I'll be spending Christmas half-comatose.
    I spent the last 4 days sleeping and when I'm awake I'm still half-asleep, and I've started doing this weird twitching thing with my leg that I used to always do, before I got my meds, and I've gone back to being unable to listen to anyone for more than 10 seconds; and I get angry if anyone tries to talk to me while I'm daydreaming.

    So now I'm back to my old-self, you might be seeing a bit more of me; that is, I'll make an effort to post.
  17. DrBungle

    DrBungle New Member

    Kinda sounds like Asperger's dude.
  18. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    ADD — the twitching isn't involuntary; but it isn't a concious decision either. It's more a case that I do it, I think, to get the adrenalin flowing to give my brain a nudge and get it working properly. That's why I don't fidget and twitch when on amphetamines: my brain is half fried already.

    Good news though: my local pharmacist can't read calendars or add dates, and so completely overlooked the "do not issue less than 30 days apart" instructions on my prescription; so I'm sorted out, for now.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You need to get off of that shit. It's probably tearing up your heart.

    What's your deal? Why do you need it?
  20. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    No, I'll keep taking them. It very well may kill me in the end; but I'd rather die at 50 having spent the next 20 years in the real world than die at 80 and spend the next 50 years living in the mystical magical world of canine's imaginary daydream land.

    To prove the point, the other day, when I didn't have any meds, I slept in and was running late for an appointment but still spent 30 minutes in the shower while I held a conversation in my head with Joanne Lees (fuck knows why I chose her to speak to.) When I take the meds I can ignore stupid thoughts and get on with a normal life; without them my thoughts drown-out the real world and I'm constantly daydreaming. People think you're arrogant because you ignore them; girlfriends pack their bags and fuck off because you don't care and don't listen to them; employers fire you because they know you're not lazy or stupid, yet you hardly complete any work; stupid people irritate you beyond belief and when you can't cope with any more, you snap and put them hospital, recieving a huge fine and suspended sentence, narrowly escaping having to pick up trash from the side of the freeway while wearing orange overalls. Or, I can swallow a few pills every day and none of that happens — it's a real no-brainer.

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