MSG, its not that nice at all. MSG has long been debated as being bad for you, but then not much isn't these days.
Gee thanks. A 1995 FDA-commissioned report acknowledged that "An unknown percentage of the population may react to MSG and develop MSG symptom complex, a condition characterized by one or more of the following symptoms: burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms facial pressure or tightness chest pain headache nausea rapid heartbeat bronchospasm (difficulty breathing) drowsiness weakness.
I dont see explosive diahrea on that list. And that is the one symptom everyone gets from MSG laced oriental food. Damn the fried lice.
I don't eat that garbage. I can't even get past the smell of it. Yeah, diarrhea wasn't on the list, so I must be safe.