On a wim I bought GH2 pack with the Guitar the other day. I must say I'm having all sorts of fun. I doubt I will ever play expert I just got to the last part on Medium. I will try hard mode. probably the hardest game I played in a long time.
Yeah I will get it at some point. I was never a fan of this type of game but I have respect for the people who do them more now.
I love that game. I made it to the last song (Free Bird) on Expert but can't beat that 5 minute solo. * Also, see my review of GH Encore *
Expert is a bitch. You have to save your "Star Power" for when you get into the red and use it as a bail-out, points be damned. I felt like I was getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome last night playing it. But besides being a game geek, I play guitar so I picked up on it fairly quickly. Learn to do hammer-ons and pull-offs and practice an "up-and-down" strum technique for the really fast passages. And, no, phatboy, none of these are masturbatory euphemisms.
you know, I used to work at a gamestop, and this woman came in and bout like $300 worth of games and stuff, every other day. well one day she was there, and Guitar hero had come out, she asks me, "you think my son can play this?" I said "Im sure he can, how old is he?" she replied "He's 11, but he's handicapped, and has one arm" How the hell do you answer that baited question? secondly, how the hell does he play the 300 bucks worth of games she buys every few days? the Wii has the wii mote, one handses (without the numbchuck) but hoiw do you play HAlo 3 with one hand?
I did the big 30 in march not that big a deal. As far as the one handed kid either she was fucking with you or no. But I saw a kid here at our local EBgames who was a retard and could hardly use his right arm. He put the controller in his lap and use his left to move then a stick in his mouth to look around in halo and he was pretty damn good.
Poorly I suppose. Maybe he plays with his feet. Some folks can do amazing things when they're forced to. And you could play Guitar Hero with your feet on easy with some practice. Only three buttons are in play and they're spaced out pretty far. My 6-year old can play "Shout at the Devil." *sobs* Makes Daddy so proud.
I think I like it for the music it's mostly stuff I like Minus Chemical Romance and that fucking Jessica song. I always hated that song. It's just really fucking challenging even on easy.
Y'kno, I had never played any of that series of games, but GH2 for the 360 came into work last week, NIB, with the guitar... So, I bought it for $40, and I can't believe how much I've fucking played it. It really is addicting. Another thing I noticed... I've been playing it on a HD widescreen, and the 'road of notes' that gets shot at you throughout the game... If you watch them long enough, then look at a menu screen that isn't moving............ I swear, I thought I had a mushroom flashback! My TV was GROWING! Try it out... It's great!