restraining order

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by improtected, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Wellness center? You mean I was right?

    Is it anything like...

    Attached Files:

  2. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    What is the name of the business? Is the word, "Spa" in there anywhere?

    Attached Files:

  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So where is that friendly's place located? Nothing like a good home cooked meal and a rub and tug afterwards!
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Improtected is a real professional!!! she gives no rub and tugs, she gives legal "relief" massages.
  5. improtected

    improtected New Member

    ok, if you must know.. here's the link to our site
  6. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Wow. Not THAT's what I call Living well. Anyway, we're all way off topic here again, as usual. What Improtected needs is information on how to stop some psycho from harassing her or one of her employees.

    I know that in Maryland there is a number you can dial, similar to *69 to get the last call that came in. Whenever the guy calls, you dial it and it logs it with the phone company. It doesn't do much to stop them but when it comes time to show the authorities examples of the harassment, you can get the log from the phone company as proof.

    I don't know if it's illegal to record calls in your state but it is in MD without permission of the caller.

    Is the guy just calling, or is he actually showing up there? If he's showing up and acting weird, I'd call the cops or something.
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I'm moving to Santa Cruz.
  8. improtected

    improtected New Member

    nah, so far he's just calling but we won't be here at the time of his scheduled appt on friday. we're going to have a girls' day instead. i told him the appt was cancelled and then he called her at home again to see if she would see him at his home.

    i called my lietenant grandpa (see: smokey and the bandit) and he's on it like white on rice. we've got the revolvers in check and everything will be ok.
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I may have to stop by....with all those scantily clad hot massagers I may be like borat, "You start, you finish"


    Is he being polite when he calls? Is it him just calling being annoying, or is someone saying, "Look we dont appreciate your phone calls, and you are harrasing my employees"

    Or is it like,

    "I am sorry my gout is acting up and Im having a hard time driving, is there anyway you could stop by the house?"

    "No we cant do housecalls, but we can reschedule you till you are more able to drive"

    "you sure you cant stop by the house, theres an extra 10 in it for you"

    "yea, see you in five"


    How did he get her phone number? Are people still listed these days?
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Clicked on Tantric Ecstatic Bodyworks, and you say this isn't a whore house with a straight face shame on you.
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    BWAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU ARE so right. that looks like an escort service. Anyway, i just finished up the sony press conference.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    As did I and I was not impressed.
  13. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Off topic again -

    Did any of you see the services and price list for the Temple?

    Therapeutic Bodywork ~ $120/hour, $160/1.5 hour
    Body of Bliss Massage ~ $190/hour, $280/1.5 hour, $380/2 hours
    Tantric Ecstatic Bodywork ~ $225/hour, $325/1.5 hour, $425/2 hours, $600/3 hours
    Couples Bliss Sessions: $500 for 1.5 hour session; $600 for 2 hour session
    Double-Priestess Bliss Session ~ $400/1 hour and 15 minutes
    Yang Healing Sessions ~ Prices vary, please inquire for more details.
    Private Yoga ~ $100/hour
    Spiritual Counseling ~ $100/hour
    Tantra Education ~ $100/hour
    Dance Instruction ~ $100/hour
    Personal Companion to Go on Nature Hike ~ $100/hour
    Home Energy Clearing & Blessing ~ $100
    All-Day Guided Shamanic Spiritual Journey ~ $100 consultation, $700 private journey

    Maybe I need to open a practice in California. Anybody that would pay $500 for a Couples massage would probably be gullible enough to fork out the same for Couples Counseling. I see real potential there.
  14. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member


    Those are sex prices dude. She's running an escort service.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Dang, that place offers prostate and "rosebud" massage. I bet you can't get that in Alabama.
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I actually know Improtected Grim. She lives in LA, which is Lower Alabama. Can't you see that she posted a link to some place in California?

    She is just pulling your chain.*

    *Effectively, I might add.
  17. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    I don't read minds I saw a link. So what do you expect.
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I still say shes a hooker... Just a personal opinion, but in retrospect, aren't they ALL hookers?
  19. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    You mean that I can get sex of $100 an hour in California? That is MUCH cheaper than what I pay here. I figure with the House, Car, etc. divided by the twice a week (if lucky and all the planets align) encounter, sex is costing me about $600.00 a session.

    Major lives in a much more expensive house, and gets it less according to his reports. I say he is paying $1500.00 or better.

  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    exactly, ALL fucking hookers, at least the hookers in california are just more reasonable

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