can someone explain to me how to go about filing a restraining order? and is it only valid for in-person harrassment or can it be for phone-harrassment as well?
very cute, unfortunately it's a little more serious than that and might involve the safety of one of my employees. i guess i can just call the da's office?
Make sure you call the police department. They can put a harassment restraining order on calls as well as in person/physical type harassment. Call the po-po everytime the harasser calls as well, to make a note of the repeated offenses. Get a gun.
That would be a good place to start. I know telephone or telecommunications harassment is a legit charge in Tennessee. When I worked the the department we had a few in on that charge.
i just remembered that we do have this tasty little revolver in the building... joe, thanks for the tidbit. and dwaine... .... nevermind anyway, i'm going to try to find a diplomatic way to tell him to fuck off, cease and desist and that his appt has been cancelled. then once we check out his reaction to that, we'll know what step to take next. mother fucker booked the appt on friday the 13th. dick. wait... dwaine, is it you?? you don't go by the name 'rob' at times, do you??
Quit screwing around and call the Police. You are a legitimate business owner, and have a legal obligation to protect your employee. It is different if this a home phone harrasment. Since it is a business, and you as the owner are aware of a threat to an employee, you might want to cover your ass as well as protect everyone.
I know here the only way you can get one is if the person lives with you. If they don't then you can't obtain one. Also the business can't obtain one in a domestic matter. The employee has to file for it and it will cover work as well.
Just remember it is not the job of and law enforcement entity to protect a citizen they cannot do it. It is up to the citizen to protect themselves. The police can only react to a crime that was broken. Taking out the restraining order at least tips the odds your way by making it a crime for said individual to break what ever order the judge imposes.
Really the best advice you can get here is too stay the fuck out of it. If it's to the point he/she needs a restraining order against that unstable of a person you don't want that person to redirect their rage at you. You might be able to pull one for the place you own but you won't for your home or person. It's best to stay out of employee affairs when you get involved you end up out of pocket or hurt in the end.
I think joe makes a good point. The police can only react. They can put a restraining order in place, but that really doesnt stop the crime, it might stop the calls, but when he follows her home one night and jumps out from behind the bushes, it's too late. She needs a taser. Just to stop from being a victim, how fucking sad is that?
wow, barry, you said that with such authority. i consulted my family members in law enforcement, although i REALLY didn't want to. there's nothing like your grandpa and uncle fearing that a sex crime may happen to you.. anyway, i have to tell the man that his appt has been cancelled and refer him to someone else and see how he reacts. we're also taking the day off friday to go to the beach so even if he shows up no one will be here. depending on his reaction will mark my next step. but i can't get a restraining order because there's been no threat or conflict.
It's an interesting dogma, The question is; what will she be more apt to use? Taser or 45? Chances are she will pull the 45 out and feel a sense of security that she is in control of the situation. She will warn him to back off and whatever else feeling that to shoot is really just to severe a punishment for the crime. No with each passing second the chances of her shooting him is less. He could manipulate her and take the gun from her. A taser would put the man on the ground long enough for police to arrive. The 45 however is definantly the more effective weapon.
I slept in a Holiday Inn last night. Plus, I worked in SuperMax prison for short time, and there learned the true meaning of Psychopath. Simple rule is this - people who scare you are usually capable of really hurting you. Your gut is often right.
no kidding. intuition is a mighty thing. and probably the - THE - way i know that there is some form of a god. and she is NOT heroin-chic!
She needs more training (psychological training being key, then let's work on the knee-jerk reaction of pulling the trigger)... I pity the man that tries to take advantage of any future daughter I have.
call me old fasioned, but I'm always strapped. My dad taught me the double tap rule (if you soot someone, shoot them twice, dead men don't file litigation) and i like the .45acp myself, I usually carry a para-ordnance p-12