its all corrupt!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ghostman, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. ghostman

    ghostman New Member

    soldiers get employed to clear villages for oil,wen they get ther orders they dont fully know wot ther doin,they get paid to do wot ther told no questions asked.then government will employ ghosts to make sure the drug shipment gets through safely without the malicia seizing it,money causes power,corruption,war.i ent gna go in depth cos this will be 1000 pages long but yea,believe..
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I see what you're trying to say.

    Might I offer a few pointers?

    Take a breath every once in a while. Find the "shift" key on your keyboard, and learn the importance of the space bar.

    Channel whatever the fuck is pissing you off into a readable post, and maybe you'll succeed in reaching out to others - until then, you're posting a bunch of avbujiboliaejilaej-=sadlvakjmvnlaa-e0wiamvaljvewuwiou-wejsap-eagb s-aefaeluea bullshit.

    I suppose the main point I'm trying to convey here is: Learn how to better express yourself, otherwise your efforts are completely wasted.
  3. ghostman

    ghostman New Member

    are you tryin a be sarcastic? cos it ent workin just aint mo fuckin workin.IT AINT WORKIN!! GOT IT! ERGH YEAAAAAAAA

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