cancer cancer everywhere

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by BIGMAMA, May 25, 2010.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    my sister is having to get her chest burned due to Basal Cell Carcinoma.. everyone in my family gets it - but me.. I guess being a goth teen and staying pale has saved me so far..

    also my 10 year old.. I noticed something weird on him starting January... in pics with flash- one eye was weird... and 3 days ago he says " everytime I look down my left eye hurts "

    the I find this info on retinoblastoma

    so I am looking for a specialist..

    this has happened in a few pics, and I just never thought anything of it.. the earliest was on our new years trip ... this one let me see if I can Upload it

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  2. Big_unsexy

    Big_unsexy New Member

    my grandma resontly got lung cancer
  3. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member

    "Let thy food be thy medicine"

    Eat more (a lot more) wholegrains. Cut out sugary food and dairy produce. Cut out highly refined and overly processed foods. Cut out foods grown with pesticides. Cut out artificial flavorings, colorings and sweeteners. Cut down on meat. Basically, cut out all toxic, modern crap and get back to basics of a simple, traditional diet and the body will have a better blueprint from which to create a harmonious equilibrium from.
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Then don't breathe the air or use toiletries because they are all known to cause cancer too.

    The #1 cause of cancer is being alive.

    It's unavoidable. You could live in a bubble and still get it. If you want to eat sugary refined shit, I say go for it. You only live once.

    I'm dealing with cancer stuff in my family too. Good luck to you BM.
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    That's good info to know, BM. Hopefully, the early detection will be your saving grace. Hope it works out for you. To echo what Pukey said, I have seen cancer all over before and since my wife struggled with it. The good news is, she is winning her battle.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    funny thing about cancer studies... when you here cause cancer in lab rats... I know for a fact, you can feed a lab rat pure organic food, give it the best water.. and they still get cancer. those of you that "know" me google the arabs name- you we will he was involved in some study about deafness in rats. he said half the rats had tumors ... and they were not given any carcinogens. I have a hamster right now with a tumor... he eats all healthy food. The other hamster - the one the baby fed table food all the time ... lived forever. he was fat- loved ravioli

    I sorry to hear about your wife MAJ - hope everything turns out for her.
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    She's good. It's been almost 2-1/2 years since her surgery but I think you're still in the danger zone until 5 years out and clear. We're cautiously optimistic that she'll have no recurrence but she gets regular checkups to keep an eye on things.
  8. ellaparker

    ellaparker New Member

  9. ellaparker

    ellaparker New Member

    Pray for a world without cancer!

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  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    If you believe in prayer, aim yours in the direction away from spamming faggots.
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