Highlight of Night on Call at Peds Hospital on Surgery

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousDan, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    13 year old girl stabbed in the chest with 12 inch knife above left breast penetrating down all the way through the diaphragm and into stomach and transverse colon by a schizophrenic who killed her boyfriend ,17, in the same attack who also happens to be the schizo's brother.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    we truely live in a fucked up society...
  3. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    What a waste of a good colon.
  4. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Actually, most people aren't like that even schizos. It's just that their are so many people living around the hospital that we see the wors of the worst because whatever happens they come wether shot, ATV accident, stabbing, fell out of a window, get hit by a car.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I bet you get jaded over time dealing with that crap. I suppose everyone is wondering how she turned out? Kinda hard to breath I suppose with a knife through the diaphram. Thing is if it was a 12" knife and it went through all that would not that make her about the size of a small dwarf?
  6. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yeah that's really messed up. How is she?
  7. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    I think she is doing pretty well. At first everyone just thought she had a pleural effusion or hemothorax meaning blood in the space between the lungs and the chest wall and she was given a chest tube to suck that out. The chest tube wasn't placed correctly and she seemed to not be getting any better and the chest tube wasn't puttin out much so they sent her to the OR. They started out by putting a bronchoscope down her mouth and then they made some small incisions for laparscopic ports and inflated the chest cavity with CO2 so they could see once they stick the laparscopic camera into the chest wall through the ports where it could be visualized on the monitors. When they got in there they saw a bunch of white crud hanging from the chest wall and covering the lungs in sheets of slime. So they stuck in the laparscopic tools called graspers and took out as much of the hanging slime sheets as they could and then began to flush saline in and suck it back out until they had sucked out about 4 L of water into containers and got her pretty well cleaned out. They then looked around and saw some omentum or the hanging fat and mesentery layer that overlies the transverse colon hanging through the diaphragm indicating a hole in the diaphragm so they too the ports out of her chest and everyone rescrubbed and put on new gowns and masks and then they opened up her abdominal wall and looked for perforations in the small intestine, large intestine and stomach. Found them sewed them up with suture in two layers and closed up the diaphragm. I didn't see any fecal matter that had leaked through her bowels into the peritoneal cavity probably becuause her intestines had stopped moving (an ileus) after she was stabbed. She was afebrile about 6 hours after the surgery when I left int he morning. I figure she will probably be alright. She is on large doses of antibiotics but she could get peritonitis or a huge lung infection. I think she will probably be okay though.
  8. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    also she was made a ward of the state for some reason. She was tox positive for marijuana, concaine and barbiturates. I think her mother supposedly had a meth lab. Her mother was in the hospital across the street for pancreatitis I think from drinking too much. The girl was registered at the hospital under a fictitious name so the family members wouldn't try and track her down.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Why do I get the feeling that you got a boner looking at the 13 year old's breasts?
  10. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    She didn't have any real breasts or even hardely any pubic hair. I think you get that feeling becuase you are 23% or more pedophile.
  11. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    So what you're telling us is that you checked everywhere, just to make sure.
  12. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Was it really necessary for you to check out her pubic hair to treat her for a chest wound? I fear for the future of medicine with you at the controls.

    Joking aside, did you find out what prompted the guy to stab her? Just because he was schizophrenic doesn't mean that he had to be violent. Most schizophrenics hurt people because of their paranoid fears, not because they are agressive or violent. I wonder if he thought she was going to hurt him in some way? Or maybe he was secretly attracted to her, and thought that he had to kill her to have her for himself. I have seen a bunch of schizophrenics that thought like that. They often think that killing someone actually benefits the person in some way. They see death as a good thing.

    Bright light moment! Maybe death is a good thing. Kill yourself Dan, and let us all know. That would be a grand research project for your Doctoral thesis. :lol:

  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Or a solution to a certain problem we can't get rid of here in Fuglyforums. Probably a little bit of both.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    He checked her pubic hair...
  15. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Everyone is naked when they put them under. Usually they get catheterized as well. You and Diogenes are really just a bunch of dipshits that don't know your ass from a whole in the wall. Psych issues aren't surgical issues. We were saving her life. The shrinks don't get a crack at them until they are no longer in danger of dying from their wounds you dumbasses.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    You still checked her pubic hair long enough to remember it's volume and the thickness. Was that necessary to save her life?
  17. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    You check all of a patients body you dumbshit. In fact in trauma cases they often check anal sphincter tone for spinal cord injuries. When the prostate is way high up after a pelvic trauma it suggests that the urethra has been severed and is an absolute contraindication to cathterizing patients.
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Now I know what really attracted you to the Medical field.

  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Really Dan, so you checked this little girls PROSTATE?
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    do girls have a prostate?

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