I was thinking about applying for a job on the police force actually the pay and benefits are not that bad. And who know I might get to taze some assholes and beat them down every once and a while.
When you post on the forum things that appear to advance an opinion contrary to people that are concerned that their constitutional liberties are being robbed of them, I have to raise a flag. Sorry. I'm not trying to disseminate the leadership of this site into a 50/50 con/lib debate - far be it from me to promote a 'divide and conquer' routine. Your postings do tend to lean more to the left, hence my post. As an entrepreneur, when faced with a voting decision, would you gravitate towards the choice that rewards individual success and achievement, or the one that encourages dependance? You have mentioned several times that I was more 'likable' when I collected video games. Never thought I'd see the day that the forums were turned into a popularity contest. Maybe you're right. I should put my guns down and pick up the controller again.
"If it makes you feel happy, It cant be that baaadaaaad" Lomo - Stick to your guns. I know where Im heading when the shooting starts.
It's good to be passionate about something. I'm one of those asshole golfers. I used to be a womanizer but my man-card got maxed out.......
Why do ppl never say this about heart surgeons or brain surgeons? Firearms are potentially dangerous,safety first.
I am obsessive and crazy about a great many things. This is true. I picked a baaaaad time to start a new hobby, though. I'm thankful as fuck for getting my AK-47 & AR-15 kicks out of the way early on (if I had attempted to buy that shit nowadays, I'd have spent 2-3 times what I did a year or so ago.) It's amazing, really - shitty AK clones are selling at gun shows for ^$1,000 at gun shows - yet, I purchased the finest specimen I've ever seen last year for $500 OTD. Quality, quality, quality. Next up, my M4 lower was custom-ordered, upper was carefully selected - and neither of these parts are readily available right now (DPMS for both.) I need to update my assault rifle pics, as I've done some great modifications on both of 'em - any pics posted already are of the bone-stock versions. Since I have that category out of my system, I've focused recently on older firearms. Not that I haven't kept buying new guns - a general disinterest on the forums has kept me from posting new acquisitions... Recently, however, my interest has been augmenting them with older firearms that give me the opportunity (and necessity) of completely dismantling them, cleaning any corrosion, lubing them up, and reassembling them. To me, it's a very rewarding endeavor, as it allows me to provide the much-needed maintenance to neglected pieces, acquire a few rare items, and preserve them as they deserve. Don't get me wrong, I still have a few 'new' items on my 'to buy' list, have acquired a few of 'em, but I've been mainly acquiring vintage pieces in the past few months.
Since she was directing the comment you questioned at me, I'll answer your question accordingly (sacrificing allotment for your intention in favor of comedic value.) -- Because I've never been obsessive and crazy over either a heart or brain surgery? OK, YOU - back of the bus. What a stunning and compelling view of the completely obvious. Instilling fear over a fundamental defense mechanism the citizens of our country were granted the freedom of, and should readily embrace, in the face of an uber-powerful governmental body in power that's ready to rob their constituents of free choice, and rob them of their only defense... is appalling. Maybe your intentions were in line with people's best interests - 15 years ago, such a statement wouldn't even evoke this sort of response, but nowadays, people are trained to view firearms as a menacing threat to society, rather than a guarantee of freedom. I want to think that you posted that in hopes that irresponsible people would learn basic firearm etiquette, and not that firearms are inherently bad.
OK, YOU - back of the bus. ok YOU aint ready to put ME ANYWHERE "What a stunning and compelling view of the completely obvious." You I guess dont hear the thousands of stories daily of ppl doing stupid and ignorant shit with firearms.Trust me,as a former gunsmith and someone who has worked with both the mil and LE I KNOW FULL WELL how ignorant ppl who think they know their shit about guns really are,ppl who are supposedly "trained",its sad but true,so shitting on someone for saying "Firearms are potentially dangerous,safety first." just shows me you have more rights than sense "Instilling fear over a fundamental defense mechanism the citizens of our country were granted the freedom of, and should readily embrace, in the face of an uber-powerful governmental body in power that's ready to rob their constituents of free choice, and rob them of their only defense... is appalling." number 1 who is "instilling fear" about anything? number 2 "fundamental defense mechanism" thats B.S its a fuckin gun,no more,no less "the citizens of our country were granted the freedom of" ok youre showing your ignorance about who we are as a ppl now,we werent "granted ANYTHING by the govt,nor by the constitution,nor the bill of rights,they simply recognize our state of being. "and should readily embrace" wrong again quiz kid had you or any of your loved ones ever been in harms way you would understand,I know,I have been and presently have multiple members of my family in harms way active duty in multiple theatres .War should never be readily "embraced" in the face of an uber-powerful governmental body in power that's ready to rob their constituents of free choice, and rob them of their only defense... " the govt doesnt have to,the ppl are doing it for them "Maybe your intentions were in line with people's best interests" My intentions were too ask a question,thats what my intentions were. "people are trained to view firearms as a menacing threat to society" they are a menacing threat to society,so is too much sun,a bad water supply and communicable diseases in urban invironments,whats your point? "rather than a guarantee of freedom." more B.S guns arent a guarantee of freedom VOTING IS, hell even the russians have guns as do all of south america and most everywhere else,yeah they are better armed south of the border than you are, more to the point they have more Experience in using them on other armed targets than you aswell. "I want to think that you posted that in hopes that...." you can think whatever you want,its a working republic
First of all - I would like to give a formal "Thank You" to all the forum members out there that have visited this thread, and could have very well challenged Sallanches post (and rather easily, I might add,) in the past 20 hours since he/she posted his/her inane drivel, yet opted not to, due to the fact that such an obvious sucker-punch would surely be met by a severe, somewhat verbose, calling on the bullshit mentioned in said post. Y'all know me too well at times. *hesitantly removes his kid gloves, one at a time, to prepare a proper response...* Don't be surprised when your neighbors are on the news tomorrow with accounts of Jacob's Fire emanating from your ears. I'm afraid I'm not subscribed to any news station that reports over a thousand daily firearm-related injuries. If you could provide a link to wherever you hear (on a daily basis) of "thousands of people doing stupid and arrogant shit" we, as a forum, would greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, you just sound like what we (in the free world) like to call a "Gun-Fearing Liberal." I don't even need to address this part of your post. You've dug your own grave here. The Bill of Rights was just that. A document guaranteeing fundamental Rights that Citizens have. Recognize a state of being all you want - fact of the matter is that the [size=+1]BILL OF RIGHTS[/size] implicitly states something contrary to what you have just stated. The only accurate thing you've said thus far is that "It's a gun, no more, no less." Since you've volunteered your ignorance and ineptitude to the entire world on an online forum, I feel the need to grant you the courtesy of bringing you up to speed with political theory. Grab a seat, much of this will undoubtedly come as quite a shock to you. I will address "number 2" first, as it leads into the explanation for "number 1." "Fundamental Defense Mechanism." God damn right. I'm going to capitalize the phrase in hopes that it is burned into your mind. If you fail to acknowledge the importance of this point, then all hope is lost for you. Did you once say you hailed from France? Isn't that the country that planted trees on the sides of the road so that the occupying German soldiers could march in the shade? I hate to be redundant here, but I have to re-quote, and emphasize, the most absurd portion of your argument: *ahem* You are [size=+1]FUCKING WRONG.[/size] Upon calling it by name (the Bill of Rights,) as you have, should seriously imply your understanding of the document itself. I shouldn't have to elaborate on this point. If I waste the time in breaking down the words themselves (much less the content therein,) I run the risk of catering to a kindergarten audience. I'm sure you wouldn't want me to formulate my response to your inane drivel in kindergarten-speak, would you? Wow. Just fucking wow. I'm sorry that someone you were related to was harmed by a firearm. I don't know how you misinterpreted my avocation of the rights of the American people to defend their homesteads by means of acquiring and using firearms to defend their own property, families, or their belongings, against a perpetrator. I honestly don't know how that message was skewed. You make it sound like everyone that owns a gun is going to inadvertently (or purposefully) harm another individual. Your logic is not sound. Guns are just as accountable for murder as pencils are responsible for misspelled words. Finally - an intermission of logic, to break the atmosphere. Can you summarize your question in a single sentence? You seem somewhat intelligent when you draw these conclusions, and you completely contradict what you previously said in the same post - why does it seem as if this half of the post was written by a different person than whom started the reply? Honestly?!? One minute I think I have to explain the fundamental ways of the world to a virgin audience, and then you hit me with this informed ascertainment, and I have to wonder - are you fucking kidding me?!? All of a sudden, you want to bring logic into your argument? What the fuck?!? I have to contain my laughter long enough to respond to this comment. The notion that "VOTING" is a guarantee of freedom? Are you fucking kidding me?!? I have not the time to give this portion of your reply a proper response, although - when trying to figure out what the hell you were thinking, it did give me quite a chuckle. Even funnier still, you weren't even trying to be a comedian! By far, this is the most intelligent thing you've posted - you said virtually nothing, with a mere hint of intelligence (cunningly hidden, I might add - if it was intentional, that is.)
*hesitantly removes his kid gloves, one at a time, to prepare a proper response...* are they white with sequins? seriously dude,are you like some overgrown emo fuck still living in his parents basement? wtf is that? how old are you? Don't be surprised when your neighbors are on the news tomorrow with accounts of Jacob's Fire emanating from your ears. Are you threatening me? I want there to be no mistake about this, surely youre not that foolish. you just sound like what we (in the free world) like to call a "Gun-Fearing Liberal." well,maybe you should get out more,try seeing the world,you might realize just how little freedom you have in your (free world) look in the politics section of this board,theres a nice list to start evaluating your (free world) lol now that I think about it,you cant even leave America without permission "Gun-Fearing Liberal." sorry to tell you but Republicans have passed far more anti gun legislation than democrats "thousands of people doing stupid and arrogant shit" youre one of them,its stupid to waste your money on an AK and stupid and arrogant to post the crap you did about the constitution "You've dug your own grave here. The Bill of Rights was just that. A document guaranteeing fundamental Rights that Citizens have." that isnt what you said,and it isnt what I responded to..this {Instilling fear over a fundamental defense mechanism the citizens of our country were granted the freedom of, and should readily embrace,} and thats what I responded to and this...{The Bill of Rights was just that. A document guaranteeing fundamental Rights that Citizens have.} is not at all the same professor, granting and guaranteeing are not the same thing "fact of the matter is that the BILL OF RIGHTS implicitly states something contrary to what you have just stated." Upon calling it by name (the Bill of Rights,) as you have, should seriously imply your understanding of the document itself. I shouldn't have to elaborate on this point. If I waste the time in breaking down the words themselves (much less the content therein,) I run the risk of catering to a kindergarten audience. I'm sure you wouldn't want me to formulate my response to your inane drivel in kindergarten-speak, would you? You believe that the Constitution grants us rights instead of setting out the limited powers of government. how can a document by "We the People" forming the government could grant rights back to the People they did not already have? if you understand that neither the Constitution nor the Government can grant any rights to the People,Lets start from the basics. The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Uh oh. Doesn't the Bill of Rights grant us rights? Nope, it only sought to enumerate and protect those that were considered important enough to list. It does not contain phrases like, "The People shall have the right to free speech." It contains language like, "Congress shall make no law... abridging free speech..." or "..the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." If the People did not already have the right to free speech, how could Congress abridge it? But I digress. The US Constitution is a document firmly founded in the principle of Enumerated Powers. The document is meant to set forth the limited powers that the People were granting the government "to establish Justice, insure domestic Tranqility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty." The first sentence of Article I, Section 1 says it all. "All legislative Powers herein granted..." It is clear that the People are granting certain powers to the government. The People are not being granted rights. Article I. Section 8 even lists those specific powers granted. In fact, James Madison and many of the Founding Fathers (how is that for politically incorrect free speech) argued against having the first eight amendments as they thought them redundant because those rights remained with People. But Alexander Hamilton and others felt it was necessary as those were some of the very rights the King had taken from the People. As a compromise, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments were added to complete the Bill of Rights and assuage those against listing any rights for fear that those listed may be considered the only important ones. The Ninth Amendment truly makes clear for those that may believe otherwise that all rights are the Peoples. "The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People." And if you doubt that the Constitution was meant to give only limited powers, the Tenth Amendment should alleviate them. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People." Well now that we all understand that we are not given rights, then we can move on. Youre stupid ass would have us being nothing,only becoming something when the govt made us something by granting us something "our rights",our value then only being what the govt says it is until it changes its mind and changing the constitution,youre an idiot dude,we are somebody because of WHO WE ARE AS A PEOPLE ! and BECAUSE of who we are,the govt MUST RECOGNIZE, IT MUST YIELD to that! if after that lesson you still believe youre granted your rights,fine,be a dill hole but im finished with this. "Since you've volunteered your ignorance and ineptitude to the entire world on an online forum, I feel the need to grant you the courtesy of bringing you up to speed with political theory. Grab a seat, much of this will undoubtedly come as quite a shock to you." Youre long on mouth and short on brains,you I guess are one of those ppl who loves the sound of their own voice,you prattle on just like a politician,women do that shit too. "Did you once say you hailed from France? Isn't that the country that planted trees on the sides of the road so that the occupying German soldiers could march in the shade?" I dont know why youre dragging France into this,Im not French and Im not from France and I owe no allegiance to them either so whats your point? "I'm sorry that someone you were related to was harmed by a firearm." Neither myself nor anyone im my family has ever been harmed by a firearm.and thats not what I said "You make it sound like everyone that owns a gun is going to inadvertently (or purposefully) harm another individual. " never mind what I sound like,stick to the facts. "Your logic is not sound. Guns are just as accountable for murder as pencils are responsible for misspelled words." what is your point? Can you summarize your question in a single sentence? I dont have to professor I am part of a working republic too, get over it. the rest is just 3rd grade playground garbage and I am not going to respond to it,but you go ahead and wallow if you want.
First and foremost - since you want there to be no mistake about a certain comment of mine regarding Jacob's Fire - Do you even know what the hell Jacob's Fire is? Go and look it up. After you're done, come back to my original post with the informed knowledge that I was inferring that you'd be pissed off enough (due to my response) that I'd called you on your bullshit - to the point that you wouldn't even see the steam emanating from your ears - instead, Jacob's Fire would stem from your ear canals as vividly as if it were seen on the masts of ships at sea. Get a fucking clue, dipshit, and don't assume you have some sort of legal (or otherwise) recourse against some other asshole on the Internet that has a differing opinion than your own. By the way, I'm raising the flag on you. Formally, I call BULLSHIT on your post, and imply that your presence on this forum is by proxy from a previously expunged member of the forum. No logical thinking individual would ascertain the same conclusions you have in your (incredibly hard-to-read post) - as evidenced by the first response, an allusion to the infamous youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMNry4PE93Y Get a fucking clue, Sally. Really. Anyone that professes to have a background on gunsmithing would surely understand the fundamental concepts and inherent responsibility and necessity of the average Joe (or Jane) to be able to unify and defend him (or herself) from a government that has grown out of it's original scope. I'll be quite honest with you, Sally: You make a great deal of claims in your post that seem unlikely. Rather than identify them one by one, I formally challenge you to defend each with evidence to support your unrealistic claims. I'll take your refusal to participate as an admission of guilt.