Psychological Profile: Joelogic

Discussion in 'Medical Advice' started by Nursey, May 14, 2007.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I'm concerned about Joe, Barry. He seems to be exhibiting the hallmarks of a dangerous, homicidal maniac. I mean tutors of that Virginia Tech killer were initially alerted to his psychological problems by his dark, unhinged writing...

    I know that a lot of sick, twisted and/or perverted stuff gets posted on these forums, but there's a difference between the stuff most of us post here, which is intended to be black humour...and the stuff which Joe posts.

    Let's take a look:

    As i already mentioned in that thread, this post of Joe's is heavily steeped in powerful sexual undertones, which, due to their violently repressed nature find their relief in explicit domination and sadistic abuse scenarios littered with sexual innuendo. Those urges need to find an outlet somehow! And on top of that, the dominating nature will compensate for Joe's feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness. This is also the psychology of a paedophile's abuse and domination of children.

    So, now that we have ascertained that Joe is a closet fag with feelings of self-revulsion that find their relief in violent, bloodthirsty fantasies which make him feel big, powerful, manly, let's take a look into the purely homicidal/sadist attributes of his character...

    I mean, if this is what some of the inhabitants of the fledgling fascist state want to do to union members, imagine what they're doing to Iraqis! :-\

    Herr Joe-seph Goebbels is practically rearing at the bit to volunteer his 'pest control' services! Yet nobody ever says what a 'sick, depraved individual' he is or anything? Where is all of the outrage and revulsion that Mr.holier-than-thou Barry is quick to pile on people for far less? Maybe because Joe's a right-wing American. ;)
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Joe is concerned you might be a homicidal maniac if you are opposed to the Bush Administration!? Yet looking at Cho's 'power pathology' is reminsicent of none other than...Joe.

    "People with power pathologies orient their lives around gaining a sense of absolute power and control over the lives of others. They commonly intend to instill fear.

    Some interesting facts on serial killers:

    Here's the sexual compulsion i was outlining earlier:

    Joe would fall into two categories - 'mission oriented' and 'power/control'
  3. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So apparently she didnt get the rise out of joe she was expecting so she has reply posted her own post.


  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I forgive you for being such a sucky toad, phatty. If i didn't have the Atlantic seperating us, i'd probably be saying nice things about him too.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Hey Nursey :-*
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    That was the lamest post EVAR!

    Dont worry, I feel good knowing that if any of your facist islamic radical buddies try to pull a Jihad over here they will meet guys like joe, and the Maj, and Barry, and Dwaine, and even Grim. And if that doesnt work I am sure headee will sleep with them all and give them a STD Jihad! :-X
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    As well as being innaccurate (i would have posted the supporting evidence whether Joe had replied or not), the post i was replying to wasn't exactly very inspirational. But then neither are Oprah shows or crushed Coke cans, which nicely sums ups your mentality.

    Why are you telling me not to 'worry'? I know that isn't going to happen anyway, and even if it was, you believe i'd support it, so it still doesn't make any sense!? I think it's is you that is worried about it happening. Because you are a dumb, propaganda-swilling asshole. :D


    Rallying the troops for some backup, phatso?

    Right. Let's pretend, for the sake of argument, i have some 'fascist Islamic radical buddies' (though i've yet to encounter any despite living in a city with a substantial muslim population)...then what? You'll watch Joe act out his homoerotic, power pathology torture scene while being a toady, jeering jerkoff? It's hardly something to be proud of.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Hey! sicko pervy faggot. :-\
  9. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    You know, you sure do a lot of name calling for someone who defines everything by using sexual terms and phrases, is pimp not treating you right? Has the weed left him impotent? I'm not rallying the troops. I dont have to. Of course I can see where your America hating self would like to think so. And yeah, I know, Im fat, you caught me. I guess thats one of the benefits of living in America. FOOD. Yummy yummy food.

    Pecan Pie, Collard Greens, Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatos, "Freedom Fries" you name it, you can get it 24 hours a day. And wash it all down with a diet coke.

    Then pay dan lots of money to keep you alive.

    I guess you dont see many fat tweakers huh? Explains a lot.
  10. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Some things just have to be said. It's ok though - i said 3 Hail Mary's - one for each bad word i used in this thread.

    What the hell is that supposed to mean? Talk about lame! Maybe if you say 'America hating' in a thread Joe, Barry and Michelle will come to your rescue. :D

    I had no idea calling you 'phatso' would strike a nerve. But now i'm aware that i'm communicating with some sort of puffy, cellulite dimpled, cheesey smelling dough boy, i'll try to be more sensitive.

    I don't see any 'tweakers' at all, as a matter of fact. Ever. Maybe it's because we don't have 'trailer parks' in the U.K.?
  11. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    So is this where you and Pimp hookup after smoking your crank????

    Or do you guys 'retire' here for the evening? I guess by limiting the number of windows in your 'house' you arent as paranoid watching the BBC?

    The only nerve of mine you could get on would be the 'who is this annoying transgender toothpick from the UK' nerve.

    Dont worry, they dont think you are on meth.....they know....
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    crank ??? london ???
  13. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Crank, you know like sometimes you suck on 'her' crank, and sometimes she sucks on yours. London as in the UK, like 'there arent any trailer parks in the UK'.......
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    That looks like it would be an ideal little retreat for Joe, perfect for when he needs to get 'away from it all' for a few days. Maybe parked close to a boy scout camp in the woods so he doesn't feel frightened being in there all alone.
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    crank=nipple ??? smoking nipples ??? is that an american fetish? you make no sense phat.. tho i suppose it explains the 'tweaker' part
    and are you calling me a gypsy? the only people i ever see actually living in caravans/'trailers' are "fucking pikeys".. though i do know some people who own caravans/'trailers' that they holiday in
  16. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    What a load of crap Phat I saw your pic with the coach hell you were not fat in that pic. So unless you have gained 20 or 40 since then I would not worry about it fuckem. It looks like you got Mr.G's panties in a wad though. He is all over trying to cover his tracks about nursing on a pre-operative transgender crank. I think he may be a closet homo and his blokes are not onto the fact that that the chick they think he is tagging is a dude.
  17. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Okay, I guess I need to break it down for the slow folks. That shriveled little thing in your pants, that looks kinda lika a baby shrimp, thats a crank. Or crank is the street word for meth, which I know you know, but I like you clever guise to act like you dont. It's okay we wont tell.

    No, Im not calling you a gypsy, however I would be making an inference to your sexuality and the fact that you and your 'life partner' live in a non-mobile trailer. Or 'flat' if you look at the tires.

    Not sure how you got nipples out of crank, though I guess trying to deflect the fact that your womans unit is larger than yours explains a lot.

    The PIKEY thing sounds pretty funny, is that what you call gypsies in the uk?
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    You see Phat? You've nothing to worry about. Joe's been admiring your pictures, and he thinks you're fit! :)

    You sound excited Joe! Who is this 'Mr. G' who's got you worked into a froth? Is he one of these guys you fantasise about looking into the eyes of before climax?
  19. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Trust me, the last thing I have to worry about is a gender confused anorexic tweaker from across the pond thinking I'm fat. :'(
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Are we going to need a coke can for this? :-\

    Sorry, but neither Pimp or i have anything that matches that description in our pants. But now my mental image of you has just taken on a hideous new dimension. Maybe the low testosterone levels caused by your excess weight are responsible for the shrinkage and can be remedied by paying Dr. Dan lots of money?

    Never tried it. Never even seen it. Unsurprising really considering it's only been manufactured in the U.K. for about a year and a half.

    Always a sign of desperation when the 'transgender Nursey' dead horse gets dragged out for a beating. ;)

    Wo-MAN. Pure genius. 8)

    But anyway, i'm sure that even if Pimp was cursed with the panty-shrimp of a bloated doughboy, his genitals would be larger than mine, so no need to feel quite so threatened in that department, phatteh!

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