I posted this in another forum, just going to reproduce it here. It might seem a bit far fetched, but it's not too unlikely that the earthquake and tsunamis in Asia could be a manmade event. Apparently it was bigger than all the other quakes in the region over the past five years put together. Also, it happened on the one year anniversary of the huge earthquake in Bam, Iran last year, which was responsible for the deaths of over 20 000 people. One thing which struck me at the time about that earthquake, was that buildings which had withstood all previous earth tremors including the 200 year old citadel, were completely destroyed. Also, the hurricanes that struck Florida this year (apparently two or three a year are normal, there were 6 in the space of six months?) behaved quite strangely. A forum thread on the subject.
1. There is a machine that controls the winds, and the minds of men, and I own the machine. Watch yourself. 2. I stood outside in the eye of hurricane Ivan. I can testify that I saw no less than SIX US AWACS AIRPLANES circling in the eye. That is how they directed the storm. Each plance had TURBO PROPS, and the prop wash steered the storm. I swear I saw it. It was not the mushrooms. Seriously - this type of subjective "I feel funny therefore it must be" type of article is ridiculous. Ignorant people who cannopt accept that "stuff happens" have to attribute power to Gods and Governments to make their scary little paranoid world make sense. Staight jackets and private padded accomadations await those who believe governments can control the wind and the waves. We can't even cure the common cold. beamed down from the mothership, I am sincerely yours, Barry
I have a serious question. What possible benefit is there for the US Government to cause a natural disaster that is going to eventually claim the lives of 100,000 people. Please explain to me what there is to gain. Barry
An explanation was given in the quote above: Corrupt criminals completely control America now. Before the (non)election of Bush in 2000, they have just been quietly paving the way for what we are witnessing happen now. Which is just the thin end of the wedge compared to what's to come. Anyway, how do you explain this next story, Barry? Was it a little pat on the backside from God for the U.S being such a goodly nation of christians? How.........convenient!
Hands Nursery tinfoil hat so she can block out the evil mind contol signals Mosad, Bush Admin, CIA, Carl ROve, Haliburton, etc, etc. send through the air everyday. At first I thought you where just a bitter skank that hadnt been laid in a while and suffered from a huge inferiority complex of Americas greatness. I see now that this is far more than bruised ego behind all these rants. There is a line where disdain, distrust and loathing turn to irrational obsession, and fear becomes a compulsion. Doesnt it feel so good to believe theyre all out to get you? Of course it does. My fear is that you maybe suffering from early symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. I suggest you seek a mental health professional as soon as possible before you hurt yourself or others.
Yeah, apologies for the last post. My suspicious tone came across stronger than if i hadn't compiled it in such haste. I'm not saying this is definately what i think has happened, but in light of what has been happening over the past four years, and in light of technological advancements, i think it should definately not be ruled out, unless its by people who are narrow and close minded enough to trundle out worn old cliches like 'hands Nursery tinfoil hat'. Who cares what they think. :wink:
yeah the world is envious of your big strong country, with it's great and powerful army, not to mention the sheer size and thrust capabilities of your missiles which can hit ANY spot with astounding precision, i mean what girl wouldn't be at least A LITTLE intimidated by that barry why don't we psychoanalyze your fellow patriot for a second and further explore HIS ..... shortcomings?
Sorry about the post above - quick trigger finger. Turns out that Ianbo and I have drunk from the same water supply.(Literally, not figuratively). If he is mentally ill, then I am too. Maybe we have a Foile a Deux. (shared psychosis) I believe the disorder we share is a Cognitive dosorder called RBTS or REALITY BASED THINKING SYNDROME. I hope that it is incurable. Barry
well since you have already furnished the forum with details of your mental illness... i will accept your diagnosis of ianbo
I will never deny that I have a diagnosed mental illness called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD). I do not attach stigma to it or any other mental illness, unlike some of you. I also accept it and seek treatment for it, unlike some of you. AD/HD is one of the mental illnesses worth having. Creativity, Quick thinking, High energy levels and Genious IQ's can be part of the symptomology. Delusions, paranoia, and disorganized thinking are not part of the diagnostic criteria, however. People with AD/HD wear many hats. None of them are made of tinfoil, however - And don't confuse "mental illness" with "insane." The two words are not synonymous. Barry
hmm interesting response barry... very interesting... now if you just let me take a quick look at those bumps on your head.. then i'll show you some cards.. could you tell me what you see
Tom Bearden on the Coming Scalar Armageddon Israel, Yakuza, 10 Nations have Scalar Weapons In my opinion...Israel should be classed amongst those groups considered 'irrational'. They are truly fanatical.
In light if this, when Jesus listed the "signs of the end", is it just further proof of his lack of credibility? Jesus answered: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. and Paul said - "Here is what I want you to know. There will be terrible times in the last days. People will love themselves. They will love money. They will brag and be proud. They will tear others down. They will not obey their parents. They won't be thankful or holy. They won't love others. They won't forgive others. They will tell lies about people. They will be out of control. They will be wild. They will hate what is good. They will turn against their friends. They will act without thinking. They will think they are better than others. They will love what pleases them instead of loving God." But the Bible is just literature, right? Barry